Project:ISO JTC1/SC22/WG21: Programming Language C++
Author:Lawrence Crowl, Chris Mysen
Contact:[email protected]

C++ Concurrent Buffer Queue

Lawrence Crowl, Chris Mysen


Concurrent queues are a fundamental structuring tool for concurrent programs. We propose a concrete concurrent queue, based on a fixed-size buffer, that meets the concepts described in P0260R4.



Queues provide a mechanism for communicating data between components of a system.

We propose a concrete concurrent queue, based on a fixed-size buffer, that meets the concepts described in P0260R4.

Locking Buffer Queue

We provide a concrete concurrent queue in the form of a fixed-size buffer_queue. It meets the WaitingConcurrentQueue concept. It provides for construction of an empty queue, and construction of a queue from a pair of iterators. Constructors take a parameter specifying the maximum number of elements in the buffer. Constructors may also take a parameter specifying the name of the queue. If the name is not present, it defaults to the empty string.

The buffer_queue deletes the default constructor, the copy constructor, and the copy assignment operator. We feel that their benefit might not justify their potential confusion.

Proposed Wording

The concurrent queue container definition is as follows. The section, paragraph, and table references are based on those of N4567 Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++, Richard Smith, November 2015.

?.? Concurrent queues [conqueues]

Section added by P0260R4.

Section added by P0260R4.

?.?.5 Concrete queues [conqueues.concrete]

Add a new section:

There is one concrete concurrent queue type.

?.?.5.1 Class template buffer_queue[conqueues.concrete.buffer]

Add a new section:

template <typename Value>
class buffer_queue
  buffer_queue() = delete;
  buffer_queue(const buffer_queue&) = delete;
  buffer_queue& operator =(const buffer_queue&) = delete;
  typedef Value value_type;
  explicit buffer_queue(size_t max_elems);
  template <typename Iter>
  buffer_queue(size_t max_elems, Iter first, Iter last);
  ~buffer_queue() noexcept;

  void close() noexcept;
  bool is_closed() const noexcept;
  bool is_empty() const noexcept;
  bool is_full() const noexcept;
  static bool is_lock_free() noexcept;

  Value value_pop();
  queue_op_status wait_pop(Value&);
  queue_op_status try_pop(Value&);

  void push(const Value& x);
  queue_op_status wait_push(const Value& x);
  queue_op_status try_push(const Value& x);
  void push(Value&& x);
  queue_op_status wait_push(Value&& x);
  queue_op_status try_push(Value&& x);

The class template buffer_queue implements the WaitingConcurrentQueue concept. The class template buffer_queue provides a FIFO ordering. That is, the sequentially consistent order of pushes is the same as the sequentially consistet order of pops. (See the synchronization of push [conqueues.concept.wait].)

buffer_queue(size_t max_elems);


Constructs the queue with a buffer capacity of max_elems.


Any exception thrown by constructing the internal arrays or mutexes.

template <typename Iter> buffer_queue(size_t max_elems, Iter first, Iter last);


Constructs the queue with a buffer capacity of max_elems. Initializes the internal array by iterating from first to last.


Any exception thrown by constructing the internal arrays or mutexes.

~buffer_queue() noexcept;


Destroys the queue. Any elements remaining within the queue are discarded.

Revision History

This paper revises portions of P0260R3.