Document no: P1995R1
Date: 2020-03-02
Authors: Joshua Berne, Timur Doumler, Andrzej Krzemieński, Ryan McDougall, Herb Sutter
Reply-to: [email protected]
Audience: SG21

Contracts — Use Cases


SG21 has gathered a large number of use cases for contracts between teh WG21 Cologne and Belfast meetings. This paper presents those use cases, along with some initial results from polling done of SG21 members to identify some level of important to the community for each individual use case.

Each use case has been assigned an identifier that can be used to reference these use cases in other papers, which will hopefully be stable. We expect this content to evolve in a number of ways:

Revision History

Differences with P1995R0:


Polling occurred through SurveyMonkey between the July 2019 WG21 Cologne meeting and the November 2019 WG21 Belfast meeting. Participants were asked to choose from three answers for each of the 195 different use cases:

Participants were also able to not answer at all for a given question (N/A), and this happened for a small number of cases. The table of use cases below lists 4 columns with the total number of each response chosen. The score column is the average value of the responses amongst those who provided a response.

All Use Cases and Poll Results

CodeAs AIn Order ToI Want To N/ANotNiceMustScore
dev.reason.knowl Developer Reason explicitly Annotate my program anywhere in the code with my current understanding of its structure or execution 0 0 10 20 1.666667
dev.reason.confidence Developer Reason explicitly Express a spectrum of confidence in my annotations, from "unsure" and asking for validation, to "sure" and asking for some effect to be applied (eg. "maybe", "definitely", "assume" 'something') 0 10 10 10 1.000000
dev.reason.importance Developer Reason explicitly Express a spectrum of importance of my annotations, from "critical" (eg. bring the system down) to "minor" (eg. lead to a slower fallback) 0 15 10 5 0.666667
dev.reason.cost Developer Reason explicitly Express a spectrum of expected cost at compile or runtime of my annotations, from "unrunnable" to "expensive" to "cheap" 0 7 12 11 1.133333
dev.reason.behavior Developer Reason about executions Have annotations affect the execution of my program in accordance with my expectations 0 7 9 14 1.233333
dev.reason.sideeffects Developer Reason about executions Ensure annotations do not substantially change the meaning of my program whether enabled or disabled 0 3 8 19 1.533333
dev.reason.behaviorcontrol Developer Reason about executions Have the effect of annotations on execution be user controllable (based on whatever aspects, if any, are available). 0 4 10 16 1.400000
dev.adapt Developer Adapt and progress with my project Be able to easily change my confidence, importance, or other properties of my annotations over time 0 2 17 11 1.300000
dev.readable.syntax Developer Have readable annotations Have annotations with a succinct and elegant syntax 0 0 13 17 1.566667
dev.readable.keywords Developer Have readable annotations Have annotation keywords or names with intuitive, clear, and unambiguous meanings 0 0 11 19 1.633333
dev.readable.priority Developer Have readable annotations Have my contract specification to be visually primary, and secondary information (syntax, hints, roles, levels, etc.) to not be distracting 0 7 17 6 0.966667
dev.parsable Developer Interoperate with tools or persons A syntax that can both be parsed and can be reasoned about semantically 0 1 6 23 1.733333
dev.tooling Developer Interoperate with tools or persons Expose annotations to tools that might leverage them (eg. code linter, static analyzer, semantic prover, compiler sanitizer, binary analyzer, code reviewer, etc.) 0 1 9 20 1.633333
cppdev.syntax.familiar C++ Developer Get up to speed Have annotations use familiar syntax 0 12 15 3 0.700000
cppdev.syntax.cpp C++ Developer Get up to speed Have annotations use C++ syntax 1 8 11 10 1.068966
cppdev.syntax.reuse C++ Developer Reuse code Have annotations use my custom types or functions 0 1 9 20 1.633333
cppdev.location C++ Developer Have a single source of truth Use same source file for both code and annotations 0 1 4 25 1.800000
cppdev.syntax.macros C++ Developer Support modern features Minimize use of macros 0 5 18 7 1.066667
cppdev.modules C++ Developer Support modern features Be interoperable with modules 0 0 6 24 1.800000
cppdev.coroutines C++ Developer Support modern features Be interoperable with coroutines 0 3 11 16 1.433333
cppdev.concepts C++ Developer Support modern features Be interoperable with concepts 0 3 9 18 1.500000
cppdev.existing.std C++ Developer Use the standard library in-contract Codify existing exposition-only standard library requirements 0 5 18 7 1.066667
cppdev.debugger C++ Developer Use Debugger Have runtime able to launch a debugger from an annotation if necessary 0 10 12 8 0.933333 C++ Developer Use existing build modes Have annotations affect executions depending on my existing build modes (eg. Debug or Release modes in VS) 0 9 13 8 0.966667
cdev.contracts C Developer Write contracts on my functions Specify contracts in a way standardizable as part of the C language 1 21 6 2 0.344828
cdev.identifiers C Developer Write contracts on my functions Use contracts with macro-safe keywords that are reserved C names (i.e., _Pre, _Post, _Assert, etc.) 1 22 6 1 0.275862
cdev.violationhandler C Developer Write contracts on my functions Have a common violation handler for both violated C and C++ contracts 1 16 11 2 0.517241
cdev.ignorable C Developer Write contracts on my functions Make all contract semantics optional (so as not to change WG14-N2385 6.7.11 p2) 1 23 3 3 0.310345
ccppdev.interop Mixed C/C++ Developer Maintain mixed code base Not lose contracts when crossing languages 1 12 14 3 0.689655
cdev.cppinterop Mixed C/C++ Developer Write contracts on my functions Expose my contracts to C++ developers through 'extern "C"' declarations of my functions 1 16 12 1 0.482759
api.communicate.inputsoutputs API Developer Communicate my interface to users Document the expected inputs and expected outputs on my interface 0 3 5 22 1.633333
api.establish.check API Developer Establish a contract Have validation inform me which output values are unexpected or invalid 0 2 14 14 1.400000
api.establish.validate_invariants API Developer Establish a contract Have validation inform me which class invariants are violated 0 2 14 14 1.400000
api.establish.values API Developer Establish a contract Have validation inform user which input values are unexpected or invalid 0 1 11 18 1.566667
api.establish.preconditions API Developer Establish a contract Have contracts specify their pre-conditions as logical predicates 0 2 3 25 1.766667
api.establish.invariants API Developer Establish a contract Have contracts specify their class invariants as logical predicates 0 5 13 12 1.233333
api.establish.postconditions API Developer Establish a contract Have contracts specify their post-conditions as logical predicates 0 5 5 20 1.500000 API Developer Express predicates Make reference to either the values of my inputs, or other in-scope identifiers 0 2 2 26 1.800000
api.establish.changedvalues API Developer Establish a contract Make reference to the before and after values of in-out variables (ie. passed by pointer or reference) in post-conditions 0 7 11 12 1.166667
api.establish.changedmembers API Developer Establish a contract Make reference to the before and after values of mutable class members (eg. new_size = old_size+1 after push_back) in post-conditions 0 7 14 9 1.066667
api.establish.changedstate API Developer Establish a contract Make reference to the before and after values of global state (eg., global >= old(global) + 1) in post-conditions 0 13 14 3 0.666667
api.extend.exceptionsafety API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as being exception safe 0 13 17 0 0.566667
api.extend.threadsafety API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as being thread safe 0 13 17 0 0.566667
api.extend.atomicity API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as being atomic (ie. all or no changes become visible) 0 15 15 0 0.500000
api.extend.realtime API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as real-time (ie. guaranteed to complete within a time frame) 0 20 9 1 0.366667
api.extend.determinism API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as being deterministic (ie. same outputs for same inputs) 0 11 13 6 0.833333
api.extend.purity API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as functionally pure (ie. no side effects) 0 10 15 5 0.833333
api.extend.sideeffects API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate operations as having global side effects (ie. write to singleton, file, network, or database) 0 13 17 0 0.566667
api.extend.complexity API Developer Extend contractual aspects Annotate algorithmic complexity 0 19 11 0 0.366667 API Developer Express unrunnable contracts Be able to use a predicate that is not evaluated at runtime, because it might be unsafe to run or have stateful side effects 0 6 14 10 1.133333 API Developer Express unrunnable contracts Be able to use a predicate that doesn't have a definition, because it hasn't been written yet, or is infeasible to run 0 8 12 10 1.066667 API Developer Express uncheckable contracts Be able to use a predicate that is not evaluated, because it is simply a semantic placeholder for a tool 0 8 12 10 1.066667 API Developer Express uncheckable contracts Be able to use a predicate that cannot have a complete definition, because it is inexpressible in the language 0 11 9 10 0.966667
api.establish.responsibility API Developer Establish responsibility boundaries Inform users which errors are the responsibility of the caller, and which are the callee 0 4 11 15 1.366667
api.resp.preassert API Developer Establish responsibility boundaries Annotate assertions inside function bodies that indirectly test preconditions (such as malformed data discovered while performing the algorithm) should be reported to the caller as precondition failures 0 12 13 5 0.766667
api.contract.interface API Developer Have contract as part of my interface Declare contract when I declare the function 0 3 6 21 1.600000
api.contract.private API Developer Keep my user interfaces clean and narrow Be able to access private implementation details of the class so I don't have to widen public interface to declare predicates 0 5 12 13 1.266667
api.contract.redeclaration API Developer Keep my public interfaces clean and concise Place function contract conditions on any declaration (e.g., on redeclarations at the bottom of the header, or on the definition in an implementation file, where they are less distracting). 0 12 11 7 0.833333
api.contract.errorhandling API Developer Move contract violation out of error handling Replace uses of error handling to express contract violation (eg. operator[](size_t n) noexcept [[pre: n < size()]] instead of throwing) 0 7 11 12 1.166667
cppapi.invariants C++ API Developer Write classes Declare class invariants that all of my public functions need to maintain 1 4 13 12 1.275862
cppapi.class.preconditions C++ API Developer Maintain a class hierarchy Ensure overriding methods have same or wider preconditions (see: Liskov substitution principle) 0 4 20 6 1.066667
cppapi.class.postconditions C++ API Developer Maintain a class hierarchy Ensure overriding functions meet their base class postconditions when their base class preconditions are met (see: Liskov substitution principle) 0 2 20 8 1.200000
cppapi.class.variability C++ API Developer Maintain a class hierarchy. Allow overriding functions to have narrower preconditions/wider postconditions if I want to 0 13 14 3 0.666667
api.class.publicinterface C++ API Developer Express public class invariants Express a restriction on the public interface of a type that all callers of the type can depend upon: can mention only public members, and is checked on entry and exit from this type's code 0 9 19 2 0.766667
api.class.publicinvariants C++ API Developer Express public class invariants Check invariants before and after every public method (when called from outside the type, not when one member function calls another) 0 5 21 4 0.966667
api.class.publiccalls C++ API Developer Express public class invariants Check invariants before and after calling functions that are not part of this type (including virtual calls) 0 8 20 2 0.800000
api.class.baseinterface C++ API Developer Express base class invariants Express a restriction on the protected interface of a type that derived types can depend upon: can mention only protected and public members, and is checked on entry and exit from this type's code 0 14 15 1 0.566667
api.class.baseinvariants C++ API Developer Express base class invariants Check invariants on entry and exit of every protected method (when called from the derived type, not when one base member function calls another) 1 14 13 2 0.586207
api.class.basecalls C++ API Developer Express base class invariants Check invariants before and after every call to a virtual function (when calling to the derived type) 0 10 18 2 0.733333
api.class.privateinterface C++ API Developer Express private class invariants Express an internal restriction on the private implementation of a type, can mention any member, and is checked on entry and exit from this type's code 0 12 14 4 0.733333
api.class.privateinvariants C++ API Developer Express private class invariants Check invariants on entry and exit of every public method (when called from outside the type, not when one member function calls another) 0 9 17 4 0.833333
api.class.privatecalls C++ API Developer Express private class invariants Check invariants before and after calling functions that are not part of this type (including virtual calls) 0 13 15 2 0.633333
api.class.testing C++ API Developer Test my classes For every member or friend function in my class, run my unit test framework with checking enabled for every assertion at the point where it is written, and check every postcondition at every non-exceptional exit, and test my class invariants on entry and exit from this type's code 0 10 9 11 1.033333
cppapi.contracts.async C++ API Developer Enforce contracts in async code Express contracts on callbacks such as std::function, function pointers, or references to functions, lambdas, or function objects 0 4 21 5 1.033333
cppapi.contracts.exception C++ API Developer Enforce contracts in exception safe code Express contracts on exceptional exit 0 11 13 6 0.833333
cppapi.variadic C++ API Developer Use contracts with variadic templates Allow predicate (fold) expansion 0 4 15 11 1.233333
api.coroutines C++ API Developer Use coroutines Define and check pre and post conditions as I would a regular function 0 4 15 11 1.233333
api.coroutines.invariants C++ API Developer Use coroutines Define and check invariants over all entry and exit points from a coroutine (to its awaiter or promise) 0 7 19 4 0.900000
int.conform.violation Integration Developer Conform to a contract Be informed any time an interface's contract is violated 0 2 12 16 1.466667
int.conform.postconditions Integration Developer Conform to a contract Verify results from a call are expected output values 0 4 9 17 1.433333 Integration Developer Build multiple libraries Use contract-enabled header-only libraries 0 0 6 24 1.800000 Integration Developer Build multiple libraries Use contract-enabled binary libraries 1 1 7 21 1.689655 Integration Developer Build multiple libraries Only be required to manage a small, common set of build/link configurations 0 6 15 9 1.100000 Integration Developer Debug multiple libraries Enable checks only within a selected library 0 1 14 15 1.466667 Integration Developer Debug multiple libraries Enable checks on multiple libraries simultaneously 0 2 14 14 1.400000
int.debug.callsites Integration Developer Debug multiple call sites Enable checks only on selected call sites 0 5 18 7 1.066667
int.violations.information Integration Developer Correct failed checks Be informed what check failed, when, where, and how 0 1 9 20 1.633333
int.violations.transmit Integration Developer Correct failed checks Transmit check failure information in environment-specific ways (logs, email, special hardware traps, popup windows, blazing sirens, etc). 0 5 14 11 1.200000
int.violations.custom Integration Developer Correct failed checks Install custom violation handler where I can inject custom logic to trap errors 0 7 9 14 1.233333
int.violations.common Integration Developer Unify violation handling Be able to override how library violations are handled in the combined software to point into my handling code 0 6 9 15 1.300000
int.violations.override Integration Developer Be independent of build environment Be able to define and override violation handler via source code 1 14 11 4 0.655172 Integration Developer Minimize checking overhead Disable library postconditions, asserts, and invariants, without disabling library preconditions (assuming the library is tested and stable and my code is not) 0 8 14 8 1.000000 Integrated Software Provider Ensure the combined software is correct At build time, turn on and off what checking happens. 0 3 6 21 1.600000
int.control.runtime Integrated Software Provider At runtime, control what checking happens. Turn checks on at run time 0 14 11 5 0.700000 Integrated Software Provider Ensure the combined software is correct Turn on any subset of individual (call site) checks on at build time 1 8 12 9 1.034483
int.control.subsets.runtime Integrated Software Provider Ensure the combined software is correct Turn on any subset of individual (call site) checks on at run time 0 15 12 3 0.600000
int.consistency Integrated Software Provider Ensure the combined software is correct Verify all annotations are globally consistent when integrated 1 6 20 3 0.896552
int.control.subsets Integrated Software Provider Ensure individual features are correct Have a way to audit (named or semantic) subsets of checks for various deployments 1 9 16 4 0.827586 Integrated Software Provider Manage binary delivery Be able to use the same executable regardless of contract enforcement mode 0 16 10 4 0.600000
int.testing.control Integrated Software Provider Define "Code Under Test" Selectively enable checking for a set of functions which could name either an individual function or an overload set 0 11 16 3 0.733333
int.testing.controltypes Integrated Software Provider Define "Code Under Test" Selectively enable checking for a set of types and all their members 0 12 15 3 0.700000
int.testing.transitivity Integrated Software Provider Define "Code Under Test" Selectively enable checking for a set of types and all their transitively nested types and members 0 13 14 3 0.666667
int.testing.modules Integrated Software Provider Define "Code Under Test" Selectively enable checking for a translation unit or module and all (non transitive) types and functions within 0 6 19 5 0.966667 Integrated Software Provider Test final deliverable Turn off build time checking to remove checking overhead 0 9 6 15 1.200000
int.runtime.unchecked Integrated Software Provider Test final deliverable Turn off run time checking to remove checking overhead 0 3 5 22 1.633333 Integrated Software Provider Test final deliverable Turn on run time optimization to leverage annotation assumptions 0 6 12 12 1.200000
cpplib.headeronly C++ Library Developer Use templates Be able to ship header only library 0 1 4 25 1.800000
cpplib.insulation C++ Library Developer Control the tradeoff between need for client recompilation and contract condition visibility Insulate contract conditions with the function definition, or insulate only the definition while putting contract conditions on a redeclaration - visible to static analysis tools in all TUs. 0 11 13 6 0.833333
lib.maintenance.noconfig Library Provider Simplify maintenance Not require extra build steps to be documented 0 14 10 6 0.733333
lib.maintenance.nowhining Library Provider Simplify maintenance Not have users complain about my product due to modifications of annotations resulting from their build configuration 0 17 9 4 0.566667
lib.integration.noconfig Library Provider Support successful integration Not require extra build steps to be learned or performed 0 13 13 4 0.700000
lib.integration.nowhining Library Provider Support successful integration Not have my users accidentally modify my careful annotations 0 12 11 7 0.833333
arch.nomacros Technical Architect Maintain quality of code base Express assertions in a way that does not rely on C macros (i.e., there is no valid technical reason for a programmer not to use the new way, including space, time, tooling, and usability/complexity reasons, compared to C's assert macro) 0 7 13 10 1.100000
arch.complete Technical Architect Have a consistent and holistic contracts facility Specify preconditions/postconditions/assertions/invariants that express my expectations about the expected valid state of my program in the form of compilable boolean expressions, that can be checked statically or dynamically (as opposed to disjointed state where these features are factored into bits) 1 3 12 14 1.379310
hardware.performance Hardware Architect Improve system-level performance Be able to design new hardware + optimizations, carefully dovetailed into one another, that depend on statically-unprovable facts being annotated in the code 2 8 10 10 1.071429
sdev.bestpractices Senior Developer Set an example Demonstrate best practice in defensive programming 0 3 9 18 1.500000
sdev.quality Senior Developer Enforce code quality Discourage reliance on observable out-of-contract behavior by causing check failure to hard stop program or build 0 8 6 16 1.266667
sdev.maturity Senior Developer Enforce mature, finalized contracts Disable continuation on violation of stable and correct individual contracts 0 4 7 19 1.500000
sdev.control Senior Developer Enforce mature, finalized contracts Disable remapping of semantics on stable and correct individual contracts 0 9 12 9 1.000000
jdev.understand.contracts Junior Developer Understand the API A uniform, fluent description of expected input values, expected output values, side effects, and all logical pre and post conditions 0 1 15 14 1.433333
jdev.understand.violations Junior Developer Understand the API Be informed when my usage is out of contract 0 0 9 21 1.700000
jdev.understand.buildfailures Junior Developer Understand the program Know why my software is not building 0 3 6 21 1.600000
jdev.understand.aborting Junior Developer Understand the program Know why my software is aborting 0 1 9 20 1.633333
jdev.understand.omniscience Junior Developer Understand the program Know why my software is out of contract 0 1 11 18 1.566667
jdev.understand.buildviolation Junior Developer Understand the program Know that my program or build was halted due to contract violation 0 0 7 23 1.766667
jdev.understand.all Junior Developer Understand the facility Be able to build a program with contracts after reasonably short tutorial 0 4 12 14 1.333333
jdev.understand.keywords Junior Developer Understand the facility Have keywords with precise and unambiguous meanings 0 2 13 15 1.433333
jdev.bestpractices Junior Developer Improve my code Learn about software best practices by example 0 4 12 14 1.333333 Agile Developer Iterate quickly Be able to write and modify contracts quickly without heavy boiler plate or up front cost 0 1 14 15 1.466667
adev.evolve Agile Developer Safeguard evolving code Assert against conditions I am aware of but not finished handling fully 0 8 12 10 1.066667
bdev.confidentiality Business Developer Maintain confidentiality Not expose diagnostic information (source location, expressions, etc.) in the software I deliver to clients, even when I choose to have contracts enforced in the software I deliver 0 14 11 5 0.700000
pdev.speed Performance Sensitive Developer Enable better performance Annotate my code with assumptions, likelihoods, or reachability information that a tool might not be able to deduce, but that I would be confident of 0 7 10 13 1.200000
pdev.morespeed Performance Sensitive Developer Enable better performance Be able to give statically-unprovable facts to current and novel optimizers in terms of semantics my program does not depend-on but optimizers can't figure out 0 6 11 13 1.233333
pdev.footgun Performance Sensitive Developer Enable better performance Accept responsibility for a malformed program that might result from eventually false information given by my annotations 0 7 8 15 1.266667 Performance Sensitive Developer Have safety critical paths Isolate safety checks from performance annotations 0 7 11 12 1.166667 Performance Sensitive Developer Have safety critical paths Retain checking even when optimizing with performance annotations 0 8 8 14 1.200000
qdev.checkall Quality Sensitive Developer Enable full checking Ensure all checks (pre, post, assert, invariant) are enabled 0 2 10 18 1.533333
qdev.correctness Quality Sensitive Developer Validate correctness Signify the predicates that should be verified by an analysis tool 0 6 19 5 0.966667
qdev.tooling Quality Sensitive Developer Manage multiple tools Signify subset of individual annotations to be consumed by a specific kind of verification tool 0 14 14 2 0.600000
qdev.tooling.control Quality Sensitive Developer Manage multiple tools Signify subset of individual annotations to be consumed by a specific instance of verification tool 0 14 15 1 0.566667
qdev.tooling.undefined Quality Sensitive Developer Manage multiple tools Use predicates that may not be understood by all instances of verification 0 9 12 9 1.000000
qdev.tooling.undefinedkinds Quality Sensitive Developer Manage multiple tools Use predicates that may not be understood by all kinds of verification 0 8 12 10 1.066667
qdev.tooling.behavior Quality Sensitive Developer Manage multiple tools Integrate the results of that static checker into how my program behaves in different ways: assume proven predicates, make unprovable predicates ill- formed, etc. 0 15 11 4 0.633333
qdev.testing Quality Sensitive Developer Unit test predicates Override failure handler to trigger test failure instead of termination 0 8 9 13 1.166667
qdev.handler.testing Quality Sensitive Developer Unit test violation handlers Have a way to run handler on all combinations of available build modes 0 11 13 6 0.833333
qdev.fuzz.testing Quality Sensitive Developer Catch unexpected failure modes Log all predicate failure during fuzz testing 0 5 14 11 1.200000
crit.control Critical Software Developer Have a verifiable release system Be able to control the configuration of contracts from a central point 0 4 15 11 1.233333
crit.noundef Critical Software Developer Avoid undefined behavior Have contract violation at run-time always have well-defined behavior 0 17 4 9 0.733333
crit.recovery Critical Software Developer Not have a faulty program lead to catastrophic failure Have access to a recovery path after contract violation 0 15 8 7 0.733333
crit.redundancy Critical Software Developer Not have a faulty program lead to catastrophic failure Be able to express error handling that may be redundant with contract checking 0 11 8 11 1.000000
crit.interaction Critical Software Developer Not have a faulty program lead to catastrophic failure Not have contract build or run modes possibly be able to change or disable related error handling in any way 0 13 5 12 0.966667
crit.locality Critical Software Developer Be assured a critical violation uses a critical recovery path Couple recovery path to a specific contract within the source 0 19 6 5 0.533333
crit.testing Critical Software Developer Meet code coverage requirements Be able to run both success and failure branches in my test environment 0 8 11 11 1.100000
crit.production.checking Critical Software Developer Have redundant layering Be able to continue to run checks in a production environment (even after formal testing is complete) 1 6 8 15 1.310345
crit.more.coverage Critical Software Developer Maximize coverage Be able to run checks in a production environment that are considered "cheap" compared to the expected cost of entering an invalid state 0 6 13 11 1.166667
crit.noassume Critical Software Developer Avoid unexpected or undefined behavior Ensure checks will never be __assume'd/__builtin_assume'd by the compiler as if they were facts injected into the program (otherwise, if such an assumption ever failed, I would be running a different program that is not equivalent to the one I wrote; assumptions can expand the set of possible executions by injecting facts not otherwise knowable to the compiler) 0 13 5 12 0.966667
sec.noattacks Security Sensitive Developer Limit attack vectors Be unable to insert code paths (eg. violation handlers) at run time (eg. build time only) 1 8 9 12 1.137931
sec.certify Security Sensitive Developer Deliver a certified product Have build tool only link to a preapproved violation handler 0 12 15 3 0.700000
analysis.runtime User of Analysis Tools Improve runtime correctness Have runtime checks generated by the tool 1 8 14 7 0.965517
analysis.optimization User of Analysis Tools Improve runtime performance Have runtime optimizations generated by the tool 1 7 17 5 0.931034
analysis.symbolic User of Analysis Tools Allow symbolic analysis Have symbolic proofs for soundness and consistency performed before compile time 1 5 20 4 0.965517
analysis.compiletime User of Analysis Tools Allow code analysis Have code source, AST, or instruction inspection during compile time 1 8 17 4 0.862069
analysis.binaries User of Analysis Tools Allow binary analysis Have binary inspection after compile time 1 17 10 2 0.482759
analysis.information User of Analysis Tools Improve the quality of analysis Be able to hint to the analyzer information it may be unable to deduce from source code alone (eg. 5 / opaque(); [[ opaque() != 0]]) 1 6 17 6 1.000000
analysis.legacy Provider of Analysis Tools Extend my existing engine Be able to map pre-existing contract features in tools to a standardized language syntax 1 14 10 5 0.689655
teach.bestpractices Teacher Demonstrate best practice Be able to express defensive programming, programming by contract, and test driven development to introductory students 0 2 13 15 1.433333
teach.standardized Teacher Demonstrate best practice Not rely on custom libraries or proprietary extensions 0 3 12 15 1.400000
teach.lifecycle Teacher Demonstrate best practice Demonstrate mock lifecycle by switching simple compiler flags to control which checks are enabled 0 5 19 6 1.033333
teach.portable Teacher Manage many students Have examples compilable by a standard compiler on any system 0 4 3 23 1.633333
teach.dumbstudents Teacher Manage many students Have examples that are easy to build without digression into build systems 0 6 9 15 1.300000
teach.teachable Teacher Build layers of understanding Have simple explanation of assertions and their use to support simple programming tasks, including debugging erroneous programs. 0 3 9 18 1.500000
teach.layering Teacher Build layers of understanding Support the ability for advanced uses of contracts to be distributed across many different courses in a C++-focused computer science curriculum. 0 6 15 9 1.100000
compiler.benice Compiler Developer Deliver best experience to my customers Maximize implementation freedom by limiting what is strictly required by the standard 0 12 12 6 0.800000 Compiler Developer Deliver the best implementation Have a clear and simple specification that meets clear need 0 1 10 19 1.600000
large.complex Large Codebase Developer Debug complex issues Have composable and fine grained control over which checks are run, without requiring source code changes. Specifically the checks for only one function or some grouping of functions 0 5 14 11 1.200000
large.critical Large Codebase Developer Enable/Disable checking on critical/hot paths Control whether checks are run based on where they are being called from 0 9 13 8 0.966667
large.modernize Large Codebase Owner Modernize my code base Introduce standardized contracts to replace my macro-based contracts 0 1 12 17 1.533333
large.stillmacros Large Codebase Owner Modernize my code base Have my existing macro-based facilities interoperate smoothly with standardized contracts so I can do the migration gradually 0 5 16 9 1.133333
large.observation Large Codebase Owner Introduce new contracts into an existing system Have failed individual checks from existing code optionally warn instead of hard stop 0 7 9 14 1.233333
large.introduction Large Codebase Owner Introduce new contracts into an existing system Have failed checks from a new library optionally warn instead of hard stop 0 7 9 14 1.233333
large.separability Large Codebase Owner Introduce new parameters or invariants into a contracts based system Be able to include distinct clauses for each parameter or invariant with their own individual failure or build controls 0 17 8 5 0.600000
large.newenvironment Large Codebase Owner Introduce new elements into a contracts based system Have failed checks caused by a change in environment optionally warn instead of hard stop 0 10 13 7 0.900000
large.newcompiler Large Codebase Owner Introduce new elements into a contracts based system Have failed checks caused by a change in compiler optionally warn instead of hard stop 0 10 15 5 0.833333
large.nogoingback Large Codebase Owner Prevent regressions Have trusted contracts fail fast and hard stop 0 2 11 17 1.500000
large.scalability Large Codebase Owner Scale violation handling Be able to log violations in my organization specific format 0 5 11 14 1.300000
large.simulation.disable Large Codebase Owner Allow simulation or post-mortem testing of known failure modes Optionally disable checking on a subset of individual annotations 0 10 10 10 1.000000
large.simulation.enable Large Codebase Owner Allow simulation or post-mortem testing of known failure modes Optionally allow checking of a subset of individual annotations to fail and access its recovery path 0 13 9 8 0.833333
large.simulation.ignore Large Codebase Owner Allow simulation or post-mortem testing of known failure modes Optionally allow checking of a subset of individual annotations to fail and continue failing 0 14 9 7 0.766667 Large Codebase Owner Manage performance cost Constrain the set of built time checks according to their performance overhead 0 13 12 5 0.733333
large.perfcontrol.runtime Large Codebase Owner Manage performance cost Constrain the set of runtime checks according to their performance overhead 0 6 11 13 1.233333
large.narrowing Large Codebase Owner Tune contract width in complex system Be able to narrow individual contract so it fails in testing not in production 0 11 13 6 0.833333
embedded.nochecking Small Machine Developer Minimize executable footprint Remove all checking and diagnostic (eg. source location) overhead entirely from the final binary 0 4 7 19 1.500000
embedded.nologging Small Machine Developer Minimize executable footprint Remove all logging and diagnostic (but not checking) overhead from the final binary 1 4 14 11 1.241379
embedded.minimize Small Machine Developer Minimize executable footprint Remove all but the most important diagnostic overhead from the final binary 0 7 14 9 1.066667
wg21.everythingelse Language Developer Interoperate with Contracts Have a clear way to understand how contracts will interact with the standard library 1 4 11 14 1.344828
wg21.otherfeatures Language Developer Extend contracts beyond pre/post conditions on functions Be able to use contract-like syntax on past or present runtime checkable language features such as switches, pattern matching, etc. or what might happen on signed integer overflow, etc. This might allow configuration of trapping, logging, or assuming in other areas of language UB. 0 12 14 4 0.733333

Detailed Descriptions


As a Developer
In order to Reason explicitly
I want to Annotate my program anywhere in the code with my current understanding of its structure or execution

Must Have: 20, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 0

This general use case expresses the desire to place information about a program's expected execution state in many different places throughout the program - possibly including "upon function entry", "whenever this line of code is executed", "at all times when a class of this type is not actively executing a member function", or others.


As a Developer
In order to Reason explicitly
I want to Express a spectrum of confidence in my annotations, from "unsure" and asking for validation, to "sure" and asking for some effect to be applied (eg. "maybe", "definitely", "assume" 'something')

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 10

This high level use case expresses the need to attach information to contract conditions that is beyond the statement of the condition itself, and instead has user-provided metadata about both the confidence in the condition and the desired behavior of the program in relation to that condition.


As a Developer
In order to Reason explicitly
I want to Express a spectrum of importance of my annotations, from "critical" (eg. bring the system down) to "minor" (eg. lead to a slower fallback)

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 15

This high level use case expresses the desire to have metadata on contract conditions associated with what downsides violations might have, perhaps indicating that while a certain condition is expected to be met, the library does guarantee that the downsides will not be catastrophic.


As a Developer
In order to Reason explicitly
I want to Express a spectrum of expected cost at compile or runtime of my annotations, from "unrunnable" to "expensive" to "cheap"

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 7

This use case expresses the desire to have metadata about contract conditions that capture at least 3 (if not more) granularities of "cost" to be used as input in some way to other decisions about what the contracts might do or how they might be interpreted.


As a Developer
In order to Reason about executions
I want to Have annotations affect the execution of my program in accordance with my expectations

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 7

The desire to have behaviors (such as generating runtime checks or optimizations) and the expected behavior explicitly defined by the standard in order to help users reason about what a program will do/has done when a contract is violated. Note that having this in the standard allows for leveraging expectations of behavior across all compliant platforms.


As a Developer
In order to Reason about executions
I want to Ensure annotations do not substantially change the meaning of my program whether enabled or disabled

Must Have: 19, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 3

This high-level use case expresses a desire that any execution effective transformations an annotation might apply be "reasonable", ie. not surprising or counter intuitive (such as time-travel optimizations).

There is a tension between allowing side effects in contract conditions and disallowing them completely. In general, writing code with absolutely no side effects is very hard, and there are pitfalls if the language is actively hostile to accidental side effects. On the other hand, conditions with side effects are also not elidable by the compiler, since the act of checking them is observable.


As a Developer
In order to Reason about executions
I want to Have the effect of annotations on execution be user controllable (based on whatever aspects, if any, are available).

Must Have: 16, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 4

This encompasses some specific need to control, either when writing code or when building code, what behavior (if any) is associated with a contract condition.


As a Developer
In order to Adapt and progress with my project
I want to Be able to easily change my confidence, importance, or other properties of my annotations over time

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 2


As a Developer
In order to Have readable annotations
I want to Have annotations with a succinct and elegant syntax

Must Have: 17, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 0


As a Developer
In order to Have readable annotations
I want to Have annotation keywords or names with intuitive, clear, and unambiguous meanings

Must Have: 19, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 0

Any keywords chosen for use within the feature should be easily distinguishable (to avoid name churn such as expects/ensures to pre/post) and be very clearly matched to what they will do within the language (unlike, for example, axiom).


As a Developer
In order to Have readable annotations
I want to Have my contract specification to be visually primary, and secondary information (syntax, hints, roles, levels, etc.) to not be distracting

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 7

This use case indicates a preference to have any metadata about a contract be visually very minimal or come after the predicate itself.


As a Developer
In order to Interoperate with tools or persons
I want to A syntax that can both be parsed and can be reasoned about semantically

Must Have: 23, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 1


As a Developer
In order to Interoperate with tools or persons
I want to Expose annotations to tools that might leverage them (eg. code linter, static analyzer, semantic prover, compiler sanitizer, binary analyzer, code reviewer, etc.)

Must Have: 20, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 1


As a C++ Developer
In order to Get up to speed
I want to Have annotations use familiar syntax

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 12


As a C++ Developer
In order to Get up to speed
I want to Have annotations use C++ syntax

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 8 , No Answer: 1


As a C++ Developer
In order to Reuse code
I want to Have annotations use my custom types or functions

Must Have: 20, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 1

Rather than requiring special functions or types (or some completely new thing), contract should be able to leverage any program logic related to their statement that is already written/writable in C++.


As a C++ Developer
In order to Have a single source of truth
I want to Use same source file for both code and annotations

Must Have: 25, Nice to Have: 4, Not Important: 1

This as a preference to needing to specify contracts in a completely separate metadata file of some sort.


As a C++ Developer
In order to Support modern features
I want to Minimize use of macros

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 18, Not Important: 5

The desire is to not require use of macros in order to satisfy the majority of use cases.


As a C++ Developer
In order to Support modern features
I want to Be interoperable with modules

Must Have: 24, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 0

All contract control features and behaviors should be interoperable in a reasonable way with any partially or fully modularized C++ program.


As a C++ Developer
In order to Support modern features
I want to Be interoperable with coroutines

Must Have: 16, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 3

Contracts on coroutines open up a number of new situations to consider because there might be requirements on what the state of the program is whenever a coroutine resumes execution, and there might be promises a coroutine makes prior to each time it suspends.


As a C++ Developer
In order to Support modern features
I want to Be interoperable with concepts

Must Have: 18, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 3


As a C++ Developer
In order to Use the standard library in-contract
I want to Codify existing exposition-only standard library requirements

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 18, Not Important: 5

In some shape or form, anything documented in the contracts of the standard library's functions (preconditions, postconditions, other behaviors) is a candidate for something that should be codifiable as a contract condition.


As a C++ Developer
In order to Use Debugger
I want to Have runtime able to launch a debugger from an annotation if necessary

Must Have: 8, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 10

When handling a contract violation, the ability to trigger a debugger when possible is currently not standardized but should be available.

As a C++ Developer
In order to Use existing build modes
I want to Have annotations affect executions depending on my existing build modes (eg. Debug or Release modes in VS)

Must Have: 8, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 9

Note that "debug" and "release" are not standardized things, but nothing specified in the standard should preclude those from having some impact on what behaviors contracts take on in those two modes. It should be possible for a vendor to map contract modes to their existing native modes.


As a C Developer
In order to Write contracts on my functions
I want to Specify contracts in a way standardizable as part of the C language

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 21 , No Answer: 1

Important considerations for C are related to any contracts that can go on a normal C function. C does have attributes, but it also explicitly calls out that a conforming implementation can ignore all attributes, as opposed to C++ which has made that a commonly held assumption but has not actually put wording in the standard to that effect.


As a C Developer
In order to Write contracts on my functions
I want to Use contracts with macro-safe keywords that are reserved C names (i.e., _Pre, _Post, _Assert, etc.)

Must Have: 1, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 22 , No Answer: 1

Adding new identifiers with meaning in C is generally not acceptable for standardization, so compatible contracts would either need to use no contracts or support alternate reserved words for use with contracts.


As a C Developer
In order to Write contracts on my functions
I want to Have a common violation handler for both violated C and C++ contracts

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 16 , No Answer: 1

Importantly, satisfying this requirement would mean making the the argument to a violation handler meaningful in both C and C++, or requiring platform vendors to shim between the two (in the case of a C violation handler receiving a violation from C++ code).


As a C Developer
In order to Write contracts on my functions
I want to Make all contract semantics optional (so as not to change WG14-N2385 6.7.11 p2)

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 3, Not Important: 23 , No Answer: 1

Assuming contracts continue to be rendered as attributes, C standardization would require they be semantically optional.

Note that, just as with C++, the ':' in the previous contract syntax does not match the grammar for attributes in either language, so by a strict reading of the standards there is no obligation to be ignorable. ('[[a:b]]' is not a valid attribute and should be diagnosed as invalid on any current C or C++ compiler). Many have expressed the view that this opinion is pedantic and that the spirit of the law is that anything between [[]]s should be ignorable.

Additionally, it is currently a conforming extension to throw away all tokens between a pair of [[]]s, and there exist numerous compilers that take advantage of that fact which would be broken by requiring behavior of any constructs that look like an attribute.


As a Mixed C/C++ Developer
In order to Maintain mixed code base
I want to Not lose contracts when crossing languages

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 12 , No Answer: 1


As a Mixed C/C++ Developer
In order to Write contracts on my functions
I want to Expose my contracts to C++ developers through 'extern "C"' declarations of my functions

Must Have: 1, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 16 , No Answer: 1


As a API Developer
In order to Communicate my interface to users
I want to Document the expected inputs and expected outputs on my interface

Must Have: 22, Nice to Have: 5, Not Important: 3


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Have validation inform me which output values are unexpected or invalid

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 2


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Have validation inform me which class invariants are violated

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 2

Class invariants have historically been considered of general use, but the performance impact of checking them can be surprisingly huge. Previously these have been left out of proposals for C++ to be added in at a later date.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Have validation inform user which input values are unexpected or invalid

Must Have: 18, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 1

This establishes the basic requirement on preconditions in terms of input values.

The more detail available to users about how a contract condition has been violated the more useful they become. This means each specific condition is benefited by being separate (eg. 'x != 0' and 'y != 0' as distinct conditions instead of requiring that users use 'x != 0 && y != 0').

In addition to that, anything that might be able to capture those values and expose them to violation handlers for logging would again help benefit problem diagnosis.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Have contracts specify their pre-conditions as logical predicates

Must Have: 25, Nice to Have: 3, Not Important: 2

This establishes the basic requirement to use predicates to evaluate input values.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Have contracts specify their class invariants as logical predicates

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 5

This establishes the basic requirement for invariants in terms of predicates on class members.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Have contracts specify their post-conditions as logical predicates

Must Have: 20, Nice to Have: 5, Not Important: 5

This establishes the basic requirement to use predicates to evaluate return values.

As a API Developer
In order to Express predicates
I want to Make reference to either the values of my inputs, or other in-scope identifiers

Must Have: 26, Nice to Have: 2, Not Important: 2

This establishes the basic requirement to reference in-scope variables in order capture values and compute predicates.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Make reference to the before and after values of in-out variables (ie. passed by pointer or reference) in post-conditions

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 7

Postconditions often need to state things about how values of output parameters have changed, or how the values of other global state might have changed as a result of a function call. The ability to store copies of state from before the function call and reference that in a postcondition predicate will enable a wider variety of conditions to be formulatable.

Ada has this functionality builtin by providing ways to reference explicitly the original value of a function parameter. C++ makes this more complicated with the need to consider the handling of move-only or generally non-copyable types. More importantly, such copying should absolutely not happen if a contract is not being evaluated at runtime.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Make reference to the before and after values of mutable class members (eg. new_size = old_size+1 after push_back) in post-conditions

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 7

Capturing the pre-function state of member variables might also be needed to state the contracts on many member functions.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish a contract
I want to Make reference to the before and after values of global state (eg., global >= old(global) + 1) in post-conditions

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 13

Capturing arbitrary global state for use in a postcondition might prove useful.

This extends to the state of arbitrary other expressions and how that might change due to the invocation of a function. Consider this example of what might be a postcondition of a typical sleep function:

old(now()) <= now() + sleep_time


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as being exception safe

Must Have: 0, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 13

Exception safety guarantees are often part of the English language contract of a function, and being able to state that (in a way that tools might be able to then pick up on and verify) would be useful.


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as being thread safe

Must Have: 0, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 13

The proper use of a type in a multithreaded environment can benefit greatly from being documented in a way that can then be checked and verified.


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as being atomic (ie. all or no changes become visible)

Must Have: 0, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 15

Establishing more details about what might happen on failure, such as what external state might be changed in a remote database, is another useful condition to state.


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as real-time (ie. guaranteed to complete within a time frame)

Must Have: 1, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 20


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as being deterministic (ie. same outputs for same inputs)

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 11


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as functionally pure (ie. no side effects)

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 10


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate operations as having global side effects (ie. write to singleton, file, network, or database)

Must Have: 0, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 13


As a API Developer
In order to Extend contractual aspects
I want to Annotate algorithmic complexity

Must Have: 0, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 19

As a API Developer
In order to Express unrunnable contracts
I want to Be able to use a predicate that is not evaluated at runtime, because it might be unsafe to run or have stateful side effects

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 6

Numerous predicates that might be useful to state also might change the state of a program in a paradoxical way if checked. The common example (originally put forward in P0380) is validating available items on an input iterator. Other important examples include checks that might require accessing special hardware, or doing extensive computations that would invalidate the results just by taking the time to do them.

These predicates are still useful for those reading the code, still might benefit from being validated against postconditions of other functions, and might provide some identifiable code improvements when analyzed by the compiler without actually executing them at runtime.

As a API Developer
In order to Express unrunnable contracts
I want to Be able to use a predicate that doesn't have a definition, because it hasn't been written yet, or is infeasible to run

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 8

Often during development it helps to write contracts first, and that might even predate having enough of an implementation to fully define the conditions. Having them in code ensures that the placeholder API to check them is maintained. Some functions may never be implementable due to time constraints, while others will eventually be filled in as time allows.

As a API Developer
In order to Express uncheckable contracts
I want to Be able to use a predicate that is not evaluated, because it is simply a semantic placeholder for a tool

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 8

Some predicates might even have no meaning within the language itself, but benefit other tools by being placed into the same contract framework as other predicates, with meaning to those external tools.

As a API Developer
In order to Express uncheckable contracts
I want to Be able to use a predicate that cannot have a complete definition, because it is inexpressible in the language

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 11

Many external static analysis tools, and even compilers, can check that some state is being handled properly which cannot be properly validated within the language itself. Consider functions such as "is_deletable" or "is_reachable".


As a API Developer
In order to Establish responsibility boundaries
I want to Inform users which errors are the responsibility of the caller, and which are the callee

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 4

One common realization with having checked contracts in the language is that they will then identify bugs that exist in programs. Identifying the source of those bugs swiftly is important, and for any contract that is dependent on a function being called properly that responsibility does not usually lie with the line of code where the contract is written, but with the place where the function has been called.


As a API Developer
In order to Establish responsibility boundaries
I want to Annotate assertions inside function bodies that indirectly test preconditions (such as malformed data discovered while performing the algorithm) should be reported to the caller as precondition failures

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 12

Some function preconditions can be expressed as c++ expressions, but are runtime-expensive. However, if expressed inside function body as assertions after some function logic has already been executed, the check whether the function has everything that is required is cheap. If I use an assertion like this, I want to annotate this assertion as being "precondition-like". The semantics would be that if it fails, it is reported as "caller's bug" rather than callee's bug, and if the build is configured to runtime-check only preconditions, such assertion should also be runtime-checked.

As an example, consider a binary search that wishes to check that the input list is sorted. There is an expensive check (O(n)) that can be done to verify that the whole list is sorted on each call, but this would negate the performance benefits of doing a binary search to begin with. Another option is to check just that the elements adjacent to those that are visited are in properly sorted order. This will provide some chance of identify unsorted inputs without making performance unusable, but is also most cleanly done during the execution of the search algorithm. Unlike a normal in-body assertion, a violation identified by this kind of check should be reported to the caller, as it is a failure on the calling code's part to provide a properly sorted input list.


As a API Developer
In order to Have contract as part of my interface
I want to Declare contract when I declare the function

Must Have: 21, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 3

Putting contracts on the first function declaration makes them easily visible to anyone looking at a header file for understanding an API.


As a API Developer
In order to Keep my user interfaces clean and narrow
I want to Be able to access private implementation details of the class so I don't have to widen public interface to declare predicates

Must Have: 13, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 5

Often, an interface might be very narrow - consider the interface on an iterator, which generally just has a few operators and no other functions - yet there might be ways to check parts of a narrow contract that depend on internal state. Exposing this state so that it can be checked publicly would require widening the API interface, which is counter to the desire to keep the use of a type as simple as possible.

On a similar note, sometimes the internal state only approximates the actual contract, and while better than no checking there is a desire to not expose that data publicly so that there is no assumption that the data represents the complete set of requirements on calling code.


As a API Developer
In order to Keep my public interfaces clean and concise
I want to Place function contract conditions on any declaration (e.g., on redeclarations at the bottom of the header, or on the definition in an implementation file, where they are less distracting).

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 12

Many development methodologies revolve around making readable, well-documented header files to provide a way to understand API usage. Some contracts might be simple and readable, but others might involve complex conditions that distract from readability, and match very simple to read and understand prose contracts in the documentation.

The benefits (checkability, analysis, etc.) of having the encoded contracts should not come at the cost of making the primary visible public interface (the header file) more unreadable.


As a API Developer
In order to Move contract violation out of error handling
I want to Replace uses of error handling to express contract violation (eg. operator[](size_t n) noexcept [[pre: n < size()]] instead of throwing)

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 7

Historically, rather than providing functions with narrow contracts, software might have been written to report misuse through exceptions. Contracts should provide a better alternative than giving all functions a fully wide contract.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Write classes
I want to Declare class invariants that all of my public functions need to maintain

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 4 , No Answer: 1


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Maintain a class hierarchy
I want to Ensure overriding methods have same or wider preconditions (see: Liskov substitution principle)

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 20, Not Important: 4


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Maintain a class hierarchy
I want to Ensure overriding functions meet their base class postconditions when their base class preconditions are met (see: Liskov substitution principle)

Must Have: 8, Nice to Have: 20, Not Important: 2


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Maintain a class hierarchy.
I want to Allow overriding functions to have narrower preconditions/wider postconditions if I want to

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 13

P4810 did not allow any variation in contract conditions through overrides of a virtual function, though this could be roughly accomplished with assertions in function bodies instead.

In general, the pre and postconditions of the interface you call through should be checked to be sure you're meeting the requirements you want to meet. Similarly, the concrete type's conditions should be checked to be sure it is behaving properly. Doing both checks if they are different might be an acceptable solution to allow flexibility without any increase in risk, at the possible cost of some performance in checked builds.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express public class invariants
I want to Express a restriction on the public interface of a type that all callers of the type can depend upon: can mention only public members, and is checked on entry and exit from this type's code

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 19, Not Important: 9

Requirements on an interface to a function should be impossible when entering into a type's functions, but there might be a desire to distinguish that so that checking is done differently when a type calls its own functions.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express public class invariants
I want to Check invariants before and after every public method (when called from outside the type, not when one member function calls another)

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 21, Not Important: 5

General class invariants should be checked for validity before and after any call to a public member function of a class. Calls to friend functions need to be considered as well, as they might benefit from invalidating/validating invariants. Similarly, invariants might be checked for all objects of the type that are being touched whenever a public function is starting or finishing.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express public class invariants
I want to Check invariants before and after calling functions that are not part of this type (including virtual calls)

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 20, Not Important: 8

Calling from a member function to a function of another type (or a possible subtype) might require verifying that the object's invariants hold prior to calling the function and that they still hold when the other function returns.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express base class invariants
I want to Express a restriction on the protected interface of a type that derived types can depend upon: can mention only protected and public members, and is checked on entry and exit from this type's code

Must Have: 1, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 14

Similar to the public API of a class, the protected API is exposed to subclasses and invariants of that API should be checked whenever the boundary might be crossed.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express base class invariants
I want to Check invariants on entry and exit of every protected method (when called from the derived type, not when one base member function calls another)

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 14 , No Answer: 1


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express base class invariants
I want to Check invariants before and after every call to a virtual function (when calling to the derived type)

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 18, Not Important: 10


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express private class invariants
I want to Express an internal restriction on the private implementation of a type, can mention any member, and is checked on entry and exit from this type's code

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 12


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express private class invariants
I want to Check invariants on entry and exit of every public method (when called from outside the type, not when one member function calls another)

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 9


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Express private class invariants
I want to Check invariants before and after calling functions that are not part of this type (including virtual calls)

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 13


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Test my classes
I want to For every member or friend function in my class, run my unit test framework with checking enabled for every assertion at the point where it is written, and check every postcondition at every non-exceptional exit, and test my class invariants on entry and exit from this type's code

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 10


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Enforce contracts in async code
I want to Express contracts on callbacks such as std::function, function pointers, or references to functions, lambdas, or function objects

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 21, Not Important: 4

In general, any callback based solution exposes functions that will be called that might benefit from having information about their contracts also transmitted.

This might be implemented by incorporating contracts deeply into the type system, or in a more limitted way by just facilitating library types like a function with contracts.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Enforce contracts in exception safe code
I want to Express contracts on exceptional exit

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 11

Generally, postconditions have been assumed to hold when a function returns normally. Expressing conditions that will hold if a function returns through an exception, or both, could also be useful.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Use contracts with variadic templates
I want to Allow predicate (fold) expansion

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 4

Fold expressions using && might be useful for a predicate, but they then lose any information about which particular argument might have violated the condition. Enabling more useful information to narrow that down would be helpful.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Use coroutines
I want to Define and check pre and post conditions as I would a regular function

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 4

Like regular functions, pre and postconditions on coroutines should have similar semantics.


As a C++ API Developer
In order to Use coroutines
I want to Define and check invariants over all entry and exit points from a coroutine (to its awaiter or promise)

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 19, Not Important: 7

Similar to a class, the state of a coroutine, or what it expects of the state of the world as it suspends and resumes, might be stated as expected invariants that could be checked whenever entering and exiting.


As a Integration Developer
In order to Conform to a contract
I want to Be informed any time an interface's contract is violated

Must Have: 16, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 2


As a Integration Developer
In order to Conform to a contract
I want to Verify results from a call are expected output values

Must Have: 17, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 4

As a Integration Developer
In order to Build multiple libraries
I want to Use contract-enabled header-only libraries

Must Have: 24, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 0

As a Integration Developer
In order to Build multiple libraries
I want to Use contract-enabled binary libraries

Must Have: 21, Nice to Have: 7, Not Important: 1 , No Answer: 1

As a Integration Developer
In order to Build multiple libraries
I want to Only be required to manage a small, common set of build/link configurations

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 6

As a Integration Developer
In order to Debug multiple libraries
I want to Enable checks only within a selected library

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 1

As a Integration Developer
In order to Debug multiple libraries
I want to Enable checks on multiple libraries simultaneously

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 2


As a Integration Developer
In order to Debug multiple call sites
I want to Enable checks only on selected call sites

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 18, Not Important: 5

Often it is helpful to limit what gets enabled to functions called from some subset of a program, and the rest of the program might not perform acceptably enough to test if hose same functions are always checked.


As a Integration Developer
In order to Correct failed checks
I want to Be informed what check failed, when, where, and how

Must Have: 20, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 1


As a Integration Developer
In order to Correct failed checks
I want to Transmit check failure information in environment-specific ways (logs, email, special hardware traps, popup windows, blazing sirens, etc).

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 5


As a Integration Developer
In order to Correct failed checks
I want to Install custom violation handler where I can inject custom logic to trap errors

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 7


As a Integration Developer
In order to Unify violation handling
I want to Be able to override how library violations are handled in the combined software to point into my handling code

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 6


As a Integration Developer
In order to Be independent of build environment
I want to Be able to define and override violation handler via source code

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 14 , No Answer: 1

As a Integration Developer
In order to Minimize checking overhead
I want to Disable library postconditions, asserts, and invariants, without disabling library preconditions (assuming the library is tested and stable and my code is not)

Must Have: 8, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 8

As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Ensure the combined software is correct
I want to At build time, turn on and off what checking happens.

Must Have: 21, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 3


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to At runtime, control what checking happens.
I want to Turn checks on at run time

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 14

As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Ensure the combined software is correct
I want to Turn on any subset of individual (call site) checks on at build time

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 8 , No Answer: 1


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Ensure the combined software is correct
I want to Turn on any subset of individual (call site) checks on at run time

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 15


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Ensure the combined software is correct
I want to Verify all annotations are globally consistent when integrated

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 20, Not Important: 6 , No Answer: 1


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Ensure individual features are correct
I want to Have a way to audit (named or semantic) subsets of checks for various deployments

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 16, Not Important: 9 , No Answer: 1

As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Manage binary delivery
I want to Be able to use the same executable regardless of contract enforcement mode

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 16


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Define "Code Under Test"
I want to Selectively enable checking for a set of functions which could name either an individual function or an overload set

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 16, Not Important: 11


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Define "Code Under Test"
I want to Selectively enable checking for a set of types and all their members

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 12


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Define "Code Under Test"
I want to Selectively enable checking for a set of types and all their transitively nested types and members

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 13


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Define "Code Under Test"
I want to Selectively enable checking for a translation unit or module and all (non transitive) types and functions within

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 19, Not Important: 6

As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Test final deliverable
I want to Turn off build time checking to remove checking overhead

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 9


As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Test final deliverable
I want to Turn off run time checking to remove checking overhead

Must Have: 22, Nice to Have: 5, Not Important: 3

As a Integrated Software Provider
In order to Test final deliverable
I want to Turn on run time optimization to leverage annotation assumptions

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 6


As a C++ Library Developer
In order to Use templates
I want to Be able to ship header only library

Must Have: 25, Nice to Have: 4, Not Important: 1


As a C++ Library Developer
In order to Control the tradeoff between need for client recompilation and contract condition visibility
I want to Insulate contract conditions with the function definition, or insulate only the definition while putting contract conditions on a redeclaration - visible to static analysis tools in all TUs.

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 11

Contract conditions on only the first declaration (as proposed by P4810) mean that the condition clutters the readable interface and changes in a contract condition force client recompilation. Contract conditions not in the header file are not going to be visible to tools that are attempting to limit what they consume to a single translation unit. Combined, these result in a desire to sometimes put the contracts with the implementing definition (in a .cpp file) and sometimes put them in a redeclaration in a header file (where one might also put inline function definitions).

For free functions this would just require relaxing the requirements on where contracts are. For member functions, allowing member function redeclaration would be needed to put the contracts in a less obtrusive place that is still visible outside of the defining TU. See P1320 for more discussion of this.


As a Library Provider
In order to Simplify maintenance
I want to Not require extra build steps to be documented

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 14


As a Library Provider
In order to Simplify maintenance
I want to Not have users complain about my product due to modifications of annotations resulting from their build configuration

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 17


As a Library Provider
In order to Support successful integration
I want to Not require extra build steps to be learned or performed

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 13


As a Library Provider
In order to Support successful integration
I want to Not have my users accidentally modify my careful annotations

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 12


As a Technical Architect
In order to Maintain quality of code base
I want to Express assertions in a way that does not rely on C macros (i.e., there is no valid technical reason for a programmer not to use the new way, including space, time, tooling, and usability/complexity reasons, compared to C's assert macro)

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 7


As a Technical Architect
In order to Have a consistent and holistic contracts facility
I want to Specify preconditions/postconditions/assertions/invariants that express my expectations about the expected valid state of my program in the form of compilable boolean expressions, that can be checked statically or dynamically (as opposed to disjointed state where these features are factored into bits)

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 3 , No Answer: 1


As a Hardware Architect
In order to Improve system-level performance
I want to Be able to design new hardware + optimizations, carefully dovetailed into one another, that depend on statically-unprovable facts being annotated in the code

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 8 , No Answer: 2


As a Senior Developer
In order to Set an example
I want to Demonstrate best practice in defensive programming

Must Have: 18, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 3


As a Senior Developer
In order to Enforce code quality
I want to Discourage reliance on observable out-of-contract behavior by causing check failure to hard stop program or build

Must Have: 16, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 8


As a Senior Developer
In order to Enforce mature, finalized contracts
I want to Disable continuation on violation of stable and correct individual contracts

Must Have: 19, Nice to Have: 7, Not Important: 4


As a Senior Developer
In order to Enforce mature, finalized contracts
I want to Disable remapping of semantics on stable and correct individual contracts

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 9


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the API
I want to A uniform, fluent description of expected input values, expected output values, side effects, and all logical pre and post conditions

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 1


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the API
I want to Be informed when my usage is out of contract

Must Have: 21, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 0


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the program
I want to Know why my software is not building

Must Have: 21, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 3


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the program
I want to Know why my software is aborting

Must Have: 20, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 1


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the program
I want to Know why my software is out of contract

Must Have: 18, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 1


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the program
I want to Know that my program or build was halted due to contract violation

Must Have: 23, Nice to Have: 7, Not Important: 0


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the facility
I want to Be able to build a program with contracts after reasonably short tutorial

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 4


As a Junior Developer
In order to Understand the facility
I want to Have keywords with precise and unambiguous meanings

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 2


As a Junior Developer
In order to Improve my code
I want to Learn about software best practices by example

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 4

As a Agile Developer
In order to Iterate quickly
I want to Be able to write and modify contracts quickly without heavy boiler plate or up front cost

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 1


As a Agile Developer
In order to Safeguard evolving code
I want to Assert against conditions I am aware of but not finished handling fully

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 8


As a Business Developer
In order to Maintain confidentiality
I want to Not expose diagnostic information (source location, expressions, etc.) in the software I deliver to clients, even when I choose to have contracts enforced in the software I deliver

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 14


As a Performance Sensitive Developer
In order to Enable better performance
I want to Annotate my code with assumptions, likelihoods, or reachability information that a tool might not be able to deduce, but that I would be confident of

Must Have: 13, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 7


As a Performance Sensitive Developer
In order to Enable better performance
I want to Be able to give statically-unprovable facts to current and novel optimizers in terms of semantics my program does not depend-on but optimizers can't figure out

Must Have: 13, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 6


As a Performance Sensitive Developer
In order to Enable better performance
I want to Accept responsibility for a malformed program that might result from eventually false information given by my annotations

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 7

As a Performance Sensitive Developer
In order to Have safety critical paths
I want to Isolate safety checks from performance annotations

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 7

As a Performance Sensitive Developer
In order to Have safety critical paths
I want to Retain checking even when optimizing with performance annotations

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 8


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Enable full checking
I want to Ensure all checks (pre, post, assert, invariant) are enabled

Must Have: 18, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 2


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Validate correctness
I want to Signify the predicates that should be verified by an analysis tool

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 19, Not Important: 6


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Manage multiple tools
I want to Signify subset of individual annotations to be consumed by a specific kind of verification tool

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 14


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Manage multiple tools
I want to Signify subset of individual annotations to be consumed by a specific instance of verification tool

Must Have: 1, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 14


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Manage multiple tools
I want to Use predicates that may not be understood by all instances of verification

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 9


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Manage multiple tools
I want to Use predicates that may not be understood by all kinds of verification

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 8


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Manage multiple tools
I want to Integrate the results of that static checker into how my program behaves in different ways: assume proven predicates, make unprovable predicates ill- formed, etc.

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 15


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Unit test predicates
I want to Override failure handler to trigger test failure instead of termination

Must Have: 13, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 8


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Unit test violation handlers
I want to Have a way to run handler on all combinations of available build modes

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 11


As a Quality Sensitive Developer
In order to Catch unexpected failure modes
I want to Log all predicate failure during fuzz testing

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 5


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Have a verifiable release system
I want to Be able to control the configuration of contracts from a central point

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 4


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Avoid undefined behavior
I want to Have contract violation at run-time always have well-defined behavior

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 4, Not Important: 17


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Not have a faulty program lead to catastrophic failure
I want to Have access to a recovery path after contract violation

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 15


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Not have a faulty program lead to catastrophic failure
I want to Be able to express error handling that may be redundant with contract checking

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 11


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Not have a faulty program lead to catastrophic failure
I want to Not have contract build or run modes possibly be able to change or disable related error handling in any way

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 5, Not Important: 13


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Be assured a critical violation uses a critical recovery path
I want to Couple recovery path to a specific contract within the source

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 6, Not Important: 19


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Meet code coverage requirements
I want to Be able to run both success and failure branches in my test environment

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 8


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Have redundant layering
I want to Be able to continue to run checks in a production environment (even after formal testing is complete)

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 6 , No Answer: 1


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Maximize coverage
I want to Be able to run checks in a production environment that are considered "cheap" compared to the expected cost of entering an invalid state

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 6


As a Critical Software Developer
In order to Avoid unexpected or undefined behavior
I want to Ensure checks will never be __assume'd/__builtin_assume'd by the compiler as if they were facts injected into the program (otherwise, if such an assumption ever failed, I would be running a different program that is not equivalent to the one I wrote; assumptions can expand the set of possible executions by injecting facts not otherwise knowable to the compiler)

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 5, Not Important: 13


As a Security Sensitive Developer
In order to Limit attack vectors
I want to Be unable to insert code paths (eg. violation handlers) at run time (eg. build time only)

Must Have: 12, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 8 , No Answer: 1


As a Security Sensitive Developer
In order to Deliver a certified product
I want to Have build tool only link to a preapproved violation handler

Must Have: 3, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 12


As a User of Analysis Tools
In order to Improve runtime correctness
I want to Have runtime checks generated by the tool

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 8 , No Answer: 1


As a User of Analysis Tools
In order to Improve runtime performance
I want to Have runtime optimizations generated by the tool

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 7 , No Answer: 1


As a User of Analysis Tools
In order to Allow symbolic analysis
I want to Have symbolic proofs for soundness and consistency performed before compile time

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 20, Not Important: 5 , No Answer: 1


As a User of Analysis Tools
In order to Allow code analysis
I want to Have code source, AST, or instruction inspection during compile time

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 8 , No Answer: 1


As a User of Analysis Tools
In order to Allow binary analysis
I want to Have binary inspection after compile time

Must Have: 2, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 17 , No Answer: 1


As a User of Analysis Tools
In order to Improve the quality of analysis
I want to Be able to hint to the analyzer information it may be unable to deduce from source code alone (eg. 5 / opaque(); [[ opaque() != 0]])

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 17, Not Important: 6 , No Answer: 1


As a Provider of Analysis Tools
In order to Extend my existing engine
I want to Be able to map pre-existing contract features in tools to a standardized language syntax

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 14 , No Answer: 1


As a Teacher
In order to Demonstrate best practice
I want to Be able to express defensive programming, programming by contract, and test driven development to introductory students

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 2


As a Teacher
In order to Demonstrate best practice
I want to Not rely on custom libraries or proprietary extensions

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 3


As a Teacher
In order to Demonstrate best practice
I want to Demonstrate mock lifecycle by switching simple compiler flags to control which checks are enabled

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 19, Not Important: 5


As a Teacher
In order to Manage many students
I want to Have examples compilable by a standard compiler on any system

Must Have: 23, Nice to Have: 3, Not Important: 4


As a Teacher
In order to Manage many students
I want to Have examples that are easy to build without digression into build systems

Must Have: 15, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 6


As a Teacher
In order to Build layers of understanding
I want to Have simple explanation of assertions and their use to support simple programming tasks, including debugging erroneous programs.

Must Have: 18, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 3


As a Teacher
In order to Build layers of understanding
I want to Support the ability for advanced uses of contracts to be distributed across many different courses in a C++-focused computer science curriculum.

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 6


As a Compiler Developer
In order to Deliver best experience to my customers
I want to Maximize implementation freedom by limiting what is strictly required by the standard

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 12

As a Compiler Developer
In order to Deliver the best implementation
I want to Have a clear and simple specification that meets clear need

Must Have: 19, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 1


As a Large Codebase Developer
In order to Debug complex issues
I want to Have composable and fine grained control over which checks are run, without requiring source code changes. Specifically the checks for only one function or some grouping of functions

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 5


As a Large Codebase Developer
In order to Enable/Disable checking on critical/hot paths
I want to Control whether checks are run based on where they are being called from

Must Have: 8, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 9


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Modernize my code base
I want to Introduce standardized contracts to replace my macro-based contracts

Must Have: 17, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 1


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Modernize my code base
I want to Have my existing macro-based facilities interoperate smoothly with standardized contracts so I can do the migration gradually

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 16, Not Important: 5


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Introduce new contracts into an existing system
I want to Have failed individual checks from existing code optionally warn instead of hard stop

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 7


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Introduce new contracts into an existing system
I want to Have failed checks from a new library optionally warn instead of hard stop

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 7


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Introduce new parameters or invariants into a contracts based system
I want to Be able to include distinct clauses for each parameter or invariant with their own individual failure or build controls

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 8, Not Important: 17


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Introduce new elements into a contracts based system
I want to Have failed checks caused by a change in environment optionally warn instead of hard stop

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 10


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Introduce new elements into a contracts based system
I want to Have failed checks caused by a change in compiler optionally warn instead of hard stop

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 15, Not Important: 10


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Prevent regressions
I want to Have trusted contracts fail fast and hard stop

Must Have: 17, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 2


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Scale violation handling
I want to Be able to log violations in my organization specific format

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 5


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Allow simulation or post-mortem testing of known failure modes
I want to Optionally disable checking on a subset of individual annotations

Must Have: 10, Nice to Have: 10, Not Important: 10


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Allow simulation or post-mortem testing of known failure modes
I want to Optionally allow checking of a subset of individual annotations to fail and access its recovery path

Must Have: 8, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 13


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Allow simulation or post-mortem testing of known failure modes
I want to Optionally allow checking of a subset of individual annotations to fail and continue failing

Must Have: 7, Nice to Have: 9, Not Important: 14

As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Manage performance cost
I want to Constrain the set of built time checks according to their performance overhead

Must Have: 5, Nice to Have: 12, Not Important: 13


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Manage performance cost
I want to Constrain the set of runtime checks according to their performance overhead

Must Have: 13, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 6


As a Large Codebase Owner
In order to Tune contract width in complex system
I want to Be able to narrow individual contract so it fails in testing not in production

Must Have: 6, Nice to Have: 13, Not Important: 11


As a Small Machine Developer
In order to Minimize executable footprint
I want to Remove all checking and diagnostic (eg. source location) overhead entirely from the final binary

Must Have: 19, Nice to Have: 7, Not Important: 4


As a Small Machine Developer
In order to Minimize executable footprint
I want to Remove all logging and diagnostic (but not checking) overhead from the final binary

Must Have: 11, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 4 , No Answer: 1


As a Small Machine Developer
In order to Minimize executable footprint
I want to Remove all but the most important diagnostic overhead from the final binary

Must Have: 9, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 7


As a Language Developer
In order to Interoperate with Contracts
I want to Have a clear way to understand how contracts will interact with the standard library

Must Have: 14, Nice to Have: 11, Not Important: 4 , No Answer: 1


As a Language Developer
In order to Extend contracts beyond pre/post conditions on functions
I want to Be able to use contract-like syntax on past or present runtime checkable language features such as switches, pattern matching, etc. or what might happen on signed integer overflow, etc. This might allow configuration of trapping, logging, or assuming in other areas of language UB.

Must Have: 4, Nice to Have: 14, Not Important: 12


Thanks to everyone who has participated in the SG21 reflector, telecon, and our first meeting in Belfast. Herb Sutter contributed greatly by taking the vast raw data that made up our use cases and painfully populated the online survey that everyone participated in. Thanks also to all 30 respondents who took a significant portion of their personal time to read, understand, and express their opinions on the 195 use cases presented here.