ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 21 P2081R1

Date: 2020-02-14

Audience: LEWG, LWG

Thomas Köppe <[email protected]>

Rebase the Library Fundamentals v3 TS on C++20


The Library Fundamentals v3 TS should be based on C++20.


  1. Revision history
  2. Proposal
  3. Proposed wording
    1. Front matter updates
    2. Deletions of merged material
    3. Systematic updates of the method of specification and presentation

Revision history


The working draft of the Extensions for Library Fundamentals, Version 3 Technical Specification (“LFTSv3” or just “LFTS” for short) is currently (as of P0996R1) based on the published C++ standard, i.e. C++17. It is very unlikely, and indeed not planned at this point, that we will publish the TS before the C++20 DIS has been published (which we expect to happen at the next meeting as of the time of writing, which is Prague 2020). Therefore, we have the option of basing the TS on the C++20 DIS, and we should do this to allow us to remove facilities that have been merged into the main standard, and to take advantage of new language facilities.

If the C++20 IS is published before we complete the PDTS ballot for the LFTS, we should update the LFTS working draft to refer to the IS instead of the DIS. The acceptance of this proposal should include approval of such a future change, which would then be an editorial matter to align the wording with the design intent.

A noteworthy removal: We propose to remove make_array from the TS. The feature was added to the TS by N4391 (adopted in Lenexa 2015) together with to_array. Later, P0325R4 (adopted in Cologne 2019) added to_array to the C++20 working draft, but explained that because of class template argument deduction, “we no longer need make_array”.

Other removals: Uniform container erasure was moved into C++20 by P1209R0 (adopted in San Diego 2018), and source_location was moved by P1208R6 (adopted in Cologne 2019).

Proposed wording

Front matter updates

Modify [1.2, general.references] paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 as follows:

1.2 Normative references [general.references]

1. The following referenced document is indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

[Note: Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/DIS 14882:2020. — end note]

2. ISO/IEC 14882:201714882:– is herein called the C++ Standard. References to clauses within the C++ Standard are written as "C++17C++20 §3.2". The library described in ISO/IEC 14882:2017 clauses 20–3314882:– clauses 16–32 is herein called the C++ Standard Library.

3. Unless otherwise specified, the whole of the C++ Standard's Library introduction (C++17 §20C++20 §16) is included into this Technical Specification by reference.

Modify [1.3, general.namespaces] paragraphs 2:

2. Each header described in this technical specification shall import the contents of std::experimental::fundamentals_v3 into std::experimental as if by

namespace std::experimental {   inline namespace fundamentals_v3 {} } namespace std::experimental::inline fundamentals_v3 {}

Deletions of merged material

Delete subclause [6, container]. This includes the deletion of make_array, as discussed above, which does not appear in C++20.

6 Containers [container]

6.1 Uniform container erasure [container.erasure]

6.1.1 Header synopsis [container.erasure.syn]

1. For brevity, […]

[…] are intentionally not provided. – end note]

6.2 Class template array [container.array]

6.2.1 Header <experimental/array> synopsis [array.syn]


6.2.2 Array creartion functions [container.array.creation]


Delete clause [11, reflection].

11 Reflection library [reflection]


Delete from Table 1 — C++ library headers:


Delete from Table 2 — Significant features in this technical specification:

Doc. No.Title[…]
N4388 A Proposal to Add a Const-Propagating Wrapper to the Standard Library […]
N4273 Uniform Container Erasure […]
N4391 make_array […]
N4519 Source-Code Information Capture […]

Systematic updates of the method of specification and presentation

Editorially apply the new compact inline namespace syntax wherever it applies.

3.1.1 Header <experimental/utility> synopsis [utility.syn]

#include <utility> namespace std::experimental::inline fundamentals_v3 { inline namespace fundamentals_v3 { // 3.1.2, Class erased_type struct erased_type { }; } // namespace fundamentals_v3 } // namespace std::experimental::inline fundamentals_v3

[Further edits not shown.]

Update section numbers, and update the “C++17-concept” names everywhere and replace “satisfies” with “meets”, e.g. “satisfies the requirements of CopyConstructible” becomes “meets the Cpp17CopyConstructible requirements”.

20.7.720.10.8 uses_allocator [allocator.uses] uses_allocator trait [allocator.uses.trait]

template <class T, class Alloc> struct uses_allocator;

1. Remarks: Automatically detects whether T has a nested allocator_type that is convertible from Alloc. Meets the BinaryTypeTraitCpp17BinaryTypeTrait requirements (C++17 §23.15.1C++20 §20.15.1). The implementation shall provideprovides a definition […]

[Further edits not shown, though some instances will be part of the edits of the next instruction.]

Update C++17-style Requires/Remarks into Mandates/Expects/Constraints. propagate_const constructors [propagate_const.ctor]

[Note: The following constructors are conditionally specified as explicit. This is typically implemented by declaring two such constructors, of which at most one participates in overload resolution. — end note]

template <class U> see below constexpr propagate_const(propagate_const<U>&& pu);

Constraints: is_constructible_v<T, U> is true.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_constructible_v<T, U&&>. The constructor is specified as explicit if and only if !is_convertible_v<U&&, T>.

Effects: Initializes t_ as if direct-non-list-initializing an object of type T with the expression std::move(pu.t_).

template <class U> see below constexpr propagate_const(U&& pu);

Constraints: is_constructible_v<T, U> is true and decay_t<U> is not a specialization of propagate_const.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_constructible_v<T, U&&> and decay_t<U> is not a specialization of propagate_const. The constructor is specified as explicit if and only if !is_convertible_v<U&&, T>.

Effects: Initializes t_ as if direct-non-list-initializing an object of type T with the expression std::forward<U>(u).

Editorial note: The rvalue reference in is_constructible is redundant, since it is already contained in the definition of is_constructible (or, more concretely, in the definition of declval), and therefore we remove it here. propagate_const assignment [propagate_const.assignment]


Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: U is implicitly convertible to T.


Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: U is implicitly convertible to T and decay_t<U> is not a specialization of propagate_const.

[…] propagate_const const observers [propagate_const.const_observers]


Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: T is an object pointer type or has an implicit conversion to const element_type*.

[…] propagate_const non-const observers [propagate_const.non_const_observers]


Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: T is an object pointer type or has an implicit conversion to const element_type*.

[…] propagate_const hash support [propagate_const.hash]

template <class T>   struct hash<experimental::fundamentals_v3::propagate_const<T>>;

The specialization hash<experimental::fundamentals_v3::propagate_const<T>> is enabled (C++20 §20.14.18) if and only if hash<T> is enabled. ForWhen enabled, for an object p of type propagate_const<T>, hash<experimental::fundamentals_v3::propagate_const<T>>()(p) shall evaluateevaluates to the same value as hash<T>()(p.t_).

Requires: The specialization hash<T> shall be well-formed and well-defined, and shall meet the requirements of class template hash. propagate_const comparison function objects [propagate_const.comparison_function_objects]


RequiresMandates: The specialization equal_to<T> shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: The specialization equal_to<T> is and well-defined.


RequiresMandates: The specialization not_equal_to<T> shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: The specialization not_equal_to<T> is and well-defined.


RequiresMandates: The specialization less<T> shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: The specialization less<T> is and well-defined.


RequiresMandates: The specialization greater<T> shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: The specialization greater<T> is and well-defined.


RequiresMandates: The specialization less_equal<T> shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: The specialization less_equal<T> is and well-defined.


RequiresMandates: The specialization greater_equal<T> shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: The specialization greater_equal<T> is and well-defined.


Class templates scope_exit, scope_fail, and scope_success [scopeguard.exit]


template <class EFP>   explicit scope-guard(EFP&& f) noexcept(     is_nothrow_constructible_v<EF, EFP> ||     is_nothrow_constructible_v<EF, EFP&>);

RequiresMandates: The expression f() shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: Calling f() shall havehas well-defined behavior. For scope_exit and scope_fail, calling f() shalldoes not throw an exception.

Effects: If EFP is not an lvalue reference type and is_nothrow_constructible_v<EF, EFP> is true, initialize exit_function with std::forward<EFP>(f); otherwise initialize exit_function with f. For scope_exit and scope_fail, if the initialization of exit_function throws an exception, calls f(). [Note: For scope_success, f() will not be called if the initialization fails. — end note]

Throws: Any exception thrown during the initialization of exit_function.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Constraints: is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<EFP>, scope-guard> is false and is_constructible_v<EF, EFP> is true.

scope-guard(scope-guard&& rhs) noexcept(see below)

RequiresPreconditions: If EF is an object type:


Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: (is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<EF> || is_copy_constructible_v<EF>) is true.

Remarks: The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<EF> || is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<EF>.


Class template unique_resource [scopeguard.uniqueres]


Constructors [scopeguard.uniqueres.ctor]


Effects: Value-initializes resource and deleter; execute_on_reset is initialized with false.

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: is_default_constructible_v<R> && is_default_constructible_v<D> is true.

template <class RR, class DD>   unique_resource(RR&& r, DD&& d) noexcept(see below)

RequiresMandates: The expressions d(r), d(RESOURCE) and deleter(RESOURCE) are well-formed.

Preconditions: Calling d(r), d(RESOURCE) or deleter(RESOURCE) shall havehas well-defined behavior and shalldoes not throw an exception.

Effects: […]

Throws: […]

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Constraints: is_constructible_v<R1, RR> && is_constructible_v<D , DD> && (is_nothrow_constructible_v<R1, RR> || is_constructible_v<R1,RR&>) && (is_nothrow_constructible_v<D , DD> || is_constructible_v<D ,DD&>) is true. [Note: The first two conditions prohibit initialization from an rvalue reference when either R1 or D is a specialization of reference_wrapper. — end note]

Remarks: The expression inside noexcept is equivalent to […]

unique_resource(unique_resource&& rhs) noexcept(see below);


Destructor [scopeguard.uniqueres.dtor]


Assignment [scopeguard.uniqueres.assign]

unique_resource&operator=(unique_resource&& rhs) noexcept(see below);

RequiresPreconditions: If is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<R1> is true, R1 shall satisfy the MoveAssignable requirements (C++17 Table 25)meets the Cpp17MoveAssignable (C++20 Table 28) requirements; otherwise R1 shall satisfy the CopyAssignable requirements (C++17 Table 26)meets the Cpp17CopyAssignable (C++20 Table 29) requirements. If is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<D> is true, D shall satisfy the MoveAssignable requirements (C++17 Table 25)meets the Cpp17MoveAssignable (C++20 Table 28) requirements; otherwise D shall satisfy the CopyAssignable requirements (C++17 Table 26)meets the Cpp17CopyAssignable (C++20 Table 29) requirements.

Effects: […]

Throws: […]

Remarks: […]

Other member functions [scopeguard.uniqueres.members]

void reset() noexcept;

Effects: […]

template <class RR> void reset(RR&& r);

RequiresMandates: The expression deleter(r) shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: Calling deleter(r) shall havehas well-defined behavior and shalldoes not throw an exception.

Effects: […]

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: the selected assignment expression statement assigning resource is well-formed.

void release() noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to execute_on_reset = false.

const R& get() const noexcept;

Returns: resource.

see below operator*() const noexcept;

Effects: Equivalent to: return *get();

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: is_pointer_v<R> is true and is_void_v<remove_pointer_t<R>> is false.

Remarks: The return type is add_lvalue_reference_t<remove_pointer_t<R>>.

R operator->() const noexcept;

Returns: get().

Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless Constraints: is_pointer_v<R> is true.

const D& get_deleter() const noexcept;

Returns: deleter.

unique_resource creation [scopeguard.uniqueres.create]

template <class R, class D, class S=decay_t<R>>   unique_resource<decay_t<R>, decay_t<D>> make_unique_resource_checked(R&& resource, const S& invalid, D&& d)   noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v<decay_t<R>, R> && is_nothrow_constructible_v<decay_t<D>, D>);

RequiresMandates: The expression (resource == invalid ? true : false) shall beis well-formed.

Preconditions: Evaluation of the expression (resource == invalid ? true : false) shall havehas well-defined behavior and shalldoes not throw an exception.

Effects: […]


Class template function [func.wrap.func]


function construct/copy/destroy [func.wrap.func.con]


template<class F> function& operator=(F&& f);

Effects: function(allocator_arg, ALLOCATOR_OF(*this), std::forward<F>(f)).swap(*this);

Returns: *this.

Remarks: This assignment operator shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: declval<decay_t<F>&>() is Callable (C++17 § (C++20 § for argument types ArgTypes... and return type R.


function modifiers [func.wrap.func.mod]

void swap(function& other);

RequiresPreconditions: *this->get_memory_resource() == *other.get_memory_resource().

Effects: Interchanges the targets of *this and other.

Remarks: The allocators of *this and other are not interchanged.

Editorial note: The change from “Callable” to “Lvalue-Callable” was part of the transition from C++14 to C++17 and was previously missed by P1210R0.

Non-owning pointers []


observer_ptr constructors []


template <class W2> constexpr observer_ptr(observer_ptr<W2> other) noexcept;

Postconditions: get() == other.get().

Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unlessConstraints: W2* is convertible to W*.

observer_ptr observers []


constexpr reference operator*() const;

RequiresPreconditions: get() != nullptr is true.

Returns: *get().

Throws: Nothing.


observer_ptr hash support []

template <class T> struct hash<experimental::observer_ptr<T>>;

The template specialization shall meet the requirements of class template hash (C++17 §23.14.15)specialization is enabled (C++20 §20.14.18). For an object p of type observer_ptr<T>, hash<observer_ptr<T>>()(p) shall evaluateevaluates to the same value as hash<T*>()(p.get()).

Type-erased allocator [memory.type.erased.allocator]


Additionally, class C shall meetmeets the following requirements:

Header <experimental/memory_resource> synopsis [memory.resource.syn]


Alias template resource_adaptor [memory.resource.adaptor]

resource_adaptor [memory.resource.adaptor.overview]

[…] In addition to the Allocator requirements (C++17 § (C++20 §, the parameter to resource_adaptor shall meet the following additional requirements: […]


resource_adaptor_imp member functions [memory.resource.adaptor.mem]


void do_deallocate(void* p, size_t bytes, size_t alignment);

RequiresPreconditions: p was previously allocated using A.allocate, where A == m_alloc, and not subsequently deallocated.

Effects: […]


Algorithms library [algorithms]


Shuffle [alg.random.shuffle]


Requires: RandomAccessIterator shall satisfy the requirements of ValueSwappable (C++17 § RandomAccessIterator meets the Cpp17ValueSwappable requirements (C++20 §

Complexity: […]

Remarks: To the extent that the implementation of this function makes use of random numbers, the per-thread engine ( shall serveserves as the implementation’s source of randomness.

Numerics library [numeric]


Utilities [rand.util]

Function template randint [rand.util.randint]

A separate per-thread engine of type default_random_engine (C++17 §29.6.5C++20 §26.6.5), initialized to an unpredictable state, shall be maintained for each thread.

template<class IntType> IntType randint(IntType a, IntType b);

RequiresPreconditions: ab.

Remarks: If the template argument does not meet the requirements for IntType, the program is ill-formed (C++17 § The template argument meets the requirements for a template parameter named IntType in C++20 §

Returns: A random integer i, aib, produced from a thread-local instance of uniform_int_distribution<IntType> (C++17 § § invoked with the per-thread engine.


Editorial instruction: The specification elements should be reordered editorially according to the order provided by [C++20, structure.specifications].