Document number: | P2103R0 |
Date: | 2020-02-14 |
Project: | Programming Language C++ |
Reference: | ISO/IEC IS 14882:2017 |
Reply to: | William M. Miller |
Edison Design Group, Inc. | |
[email protected] |
References in this document reflect the section and paragraph numbering of document WG21 N4849.
Change 5.4 [lex.pptoken] paragraph 1 as follows:
Each preprocessing token that is converted to a token (5.6 [lex.token]) shall have the lexical form of a keyword, an identifier, a literal, or an operator, or a or punctuator.
Change the grammar in 5.6 [lex.token] as follows:
Change 5.11 [lex.key] paragraph 2 as follows:
Furthermore, the alternative representations shown in Table 6 for certain operators and punctuators (5.5 [lex.digraph]) are reserved and shall not be used otherwise:.
Change 5.12 [lex.operators] paragraph 1 as follows:
The lexical representation of C++ programs includes a number of preprocessing tokens which that are used in the syntax of the preprocessor or are converted into tokens for operators and punctuators:
preprocessing-operator: one of
# ## %: %:%:
preprocessing-op-or-punc operator-or-punctuator: one of
{ } [ ] # ## ( ) <: :> <% %> %: %:%: ; : ... new delete ? :: . .* -> ->* ~ ! + - * / % ^ & | = += -= *= /= %= ^= &= |= == != < > <= >= <=> && || << >> <<= >>= ++ -- , and or xor not bitand bitor compl and_eq or_eq xor_eq not_eq
operator-or-punctuatorEach preprocessing-op-or-punc operator-or-punctuator is converted to a single token in translation phase 7 (5.2 [lex.phases]).
Change the grammar in 6.6 [] paragraph 1 as follows:
Change 6.6 [] paragraph 2 as follows:
A token sequence beginning with exportopt module and not immediately followed by :: is never interpreted as the declaration of a top-level-declaration.
[Note: P1857R3 deletes this paragraph, which supersedes this change. It is to be applied only if P1857R3 is not adopted.]
Change the grammar and paragraph 1 of 10.4 [] as follows:
module ; top-level-declaration-seqopt
[Note: Prior to phase 4 of translation, only preprocessing directives can appear in the top-level-declaration-seq (15.5 [cpp.glob.frag]). —end note]
Change 10.4 [] paragraph 4 as follows:
A declaration D in a global module fragment of a module unit is discarded if D is not decl-reachable from any top-level-declaration in the top-level-declaration-seq of the translation unit translation-unit. [Note: A discarded declaration...
Change the grammar in 10.5 [module.context] as follows:
Change 10.6 [module.reach] paragraph 3 as follows:
During the implicit instantiation of a template whose point of instantiation is specified as that of an enclosing specialization ( [temp.point]), the instantiation context is the union of the instantiation context of the enclosing specialization and, if the template is defined in a module interface unit of a module M and the point of instantiation is not in a module interface unit of M, the point at the end of the top-level-declaration-seq of the primary module interface unit of M (prior to the private-module-fragment, if any).
Change [temp.point] paragraph 7 as follows:
A specialization for a function template, a member function template, or of a member function or static data member of a class template may have multiple points of instantiations within a translation unit, and in addition to the points of instantiation described above,
for any such specialization that has a point of instantiation within the top-level-declaration-seq of the translation unit translation-unit, prior to the private-module-fragment (if any), the point after the top-level-declaration-seq of the translation-unit is also considered a point of instantiation, and
for any such specialization...
Change the grammar in 9.1 [dcl.pre] paragraph 1 as follows:
Change 10.3 [module.import] paragraph 1 as follows:
A module-import-declaration shall only appear at global namespace scope. In a module unit, all module-import-declarations shall precede all other top-level-declarations in the top-level-declaration-seq of the translation-unit and of the private-module-fragment (if any). The optional attribute-specifier-seq appertains to the module-import-declaration.
Add the following as a new paragraph after 9.11 [] paragraph 3:
Every implementation shall provide for linkage to functions written in the C programming language, "C", and linkage to C++ functions, "C++". [Example: ... —end example]
A module-import-declaration shall not be directly contained in a linkage-specification. A module-import-declaration appearing in a linkage specification with other than C++ language linkage is conditionally-supported with implementation-defined semantics.
Change 6.7.3 [] paragraph 8 as follows:
If, after the lifetime of an object has ended and before the storage which the object occupied is reused or released, a new object is created at the storage location which the original object occupied, a pointer that pointed to the original object, a reference that referred to the original object, or the name of the original object will automatically refer to the new object and, once the lifetime of the new object has started, can be used to manipulate the new object, if: the original object is transparently replaceable (see below) by the new object.
An original object is transparently replaceable by a new object if:
neither the original object nor the new object is a potentially-overlapping subobject (6.7.2 [intro.object])., and
neither the original object nor the new object are subobjects or both are subobjects, and
the (unique) object (if any) that contains the original object as a subobject (6.7.2 [intro.object]) is transparently replaceable by the (unique) object (if any) that contains the new object.
Add the following as a new paragraph at the end of 13.5.2 [temp.constr.decl]:
When determining whether a given introduced constraint-expression C1 of a declaration in an instantiated specialization of a templated class is equivalent ( []) to the corresponding constraint-expression C2 of a declaration outside the class body, C1 is instantiated. If the instantiation results in an invalid expression, the constraint-expressions are not equivalent. [Note: This can happen when determining which member template is specialized by an explicit specialization declaration. —end note] [Example:
template <class T> concept C = true; template <class T> struct A { template <class U> U f(U) requires C<typename T::type>; // #1 template <class U> U f(U) requires C<T>; // #2 }; template <> template <class U> U A<int>::f(U u) requires C<int> { return u; } // OK, specializes #2
Substituting int for T in C<typename T::type> produces an invalid expression, so the specialization does not match #1. Substituting int for T in C<T> produces C<int>, which is equivalent to the constraint-expression for the specialization, so it does match #2. —end example]
Change 13.9.1 [temp.inst] paragraph 17 as follows:
The type-constraints and requires-clause of a template specialization or member function are not instantiated along with the specialization or function itself, even for a member function of a local class; substitution into the atomic constraints formed from them is instead performed as specified in 13.5.2 [temp.constr.decl] and [temp.constr.atomic] when determining whether the constraints are satisfied or as specified in 13.5.2 [temp.constr.decl] when comparing declarations. [Note: The satisfaction of constraints
Change [temp.constr.atomic] paragraph 1 as follows:
An atomic constraint is formed from an expression E and a mapping from the template parameters that appear within E to template arguments involving that are formed via substitution during constraint normalization in the declaration of a constrained entity (and, therefore, can involve the unsubstituted template parameters of the constrained entity), called the parameter mapping (13.5.2 [temp.constr.decl]). [Note: Atomic constraints are formed by constraint normalization (13.5.3 [temp.constr.normal]). E is never a logical AND expression (7.6.14 [expr.log.and]) nor a logical OR expression (7.6.15 [expr.log.or]). —end note]
Change [temp.constr.atomic] paragraph 2 as follows:
Two atomic constraints, e1 and e2, are identical if they are formed from the same expression and if, given a hypothetical template A whose template-parameter-list consists of template-parameters corresponding and equivalent ( []) to those mapped by the parameter mappings of the expression, a template-id naming A whose template-arguments are the targets of the parameter mappings are equivalent according to the rules for expressions described in []. mapping of e1 is the same (13.6 [temp.type]) as a template-id naming A whose template-arguments are the targets of the parameter mapping of e2. [Note: The comparison of parameter mappings of atomic constraints operates in a manner similar to that of declaration matching with alias template substitution (13.7.7 [temp.alias]). [Example:
template <unsigned N> constexpr bool Atomic = true; template <unsigned N> concept C = Atomic<N>; template <unsigned N> concept Add1 = C<N + 1>; template <unsigned N> concept AddOne = C<N + 1>; template <unsigned M> void f() requires Add1<2 * M>; template <unsigned M> int f() requires AddOne<2 * M> && true; int x = f<0>(); // OK, the atomic constraints from concept C in both fs are Atomic<N> // with mapping similar to N ↦ 2 * M + 1 template <unsigned N> struct WrapN; template <unsigned N> using Add1Ty = WrapN<N + 1>; template <unsigned N> using AddOneTy = WrapN<N + 1>; template <unsigned M> void g(Add1Ty<2 * M> *); template <unsigned M> void g(AddOneTy<2 * M> *); void h() { g<0>(nullptr); // OK, there is only one g }
—end example]
This similarity includes the situation where a program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required, when the meaning of the program depends on whether two constructs are equivalent, and they are functionally equivalent but not equivalent. [Example:
template <unsigned N> void f2() requires Add1<2 * N>; template <unsigned N> int f2() requires Add1<N * 2> && true; void h2() { f2<0>(); // ill-formed, no diagnostic required: // required determination of subsumption between atomic constraints that are // functionally equivalent but not equivalent }
—end example] —end note]
Add the following after 3.20 [defns.signature]:
‹non-template friend function with trailing requires-clause› name, parameter-type-list ( [dcl.fct]), enclosing class, and trailing requires-clause (9.3 [dcl.decl])
Add the following after 3.21 [defns.signature.templ]:
‹friend function template with constraint involving enclosing template parameters› name, parameter-type-list ( [dcl.fct]), return type, enclosing class, template-head, and trailing requires-clause
Change 13.7.4 [temp.friend] paragraph 9 as follows:
A non-template friend declaration shall not have with a requires-clause shall be a definition. A friend function template with a constraint that depends on a template parameter from an enclosing template shall be a definition. Such a constrained friend function or function template declaration does not declare the same function or function template as a declaration in any other scope.