Document no: P2114R0
Date: 2020-03-02
Authors: Joshua Berne Ryan McDougall Andrzej KrzemieĊ„ski
Reply-to: [email protected]
Audience: SG21

Minimal Contract Use Cases


SG21 has been reviewing a large number of potential use cases for contracts. There are also a number of potential proposals that have previously been put forward with might be applicapable to those use cases (see P2032 ).

We (the authors of this paper, acting inependently) wish to highlight those use cases that mght be viewed as the true common core of the proposals so far. It is our hope to get agreement on this so that the core of a proposal can be started, and so we can address other features and satisfying more use cases iteratively on top of that central proposal (instead of needing to start each proposal from the ground up, and being in a situation of regularly retreading ground while comparing apples to oranges.)

An additional hope is that, as we get proposals that meet this minimal set of use cases, a "minimal viable product" emerges that we might be able to provide for C++23 should a more full-featured proposal not seem to be reachinng consensus in time. We are not proposing any particular solution here, just a potential guideline for what use cases a minimal feature needs to satisfy.

Use Cases

Here we will list those use cases that we think should be included, with their original high-level description (see P1995 for all of the use cases).

# CodeAs AIn Order ToI Want To
1 dev.reason.knowl Developer Reason explicitly Annotate my program anywhere in the code with my current understanding of its structure or execution

If you could take this out, you still wouldn't be providing anything useful to users.

2 dev.reason.behavior Developer Reason about executions Have annotations affect the execution of my program in accordance with my expectations
3 dev.reason.sideeffects Developer Reason about executions Ensure annotations do not substantially change the meaning of my program whether enabled or disabled

it is important that there is an option to enable contracts and an option to disable contracts that does not include undefined behavior.

4 dev.readable.syntax Developer Have readable annotations Have annotations with a succinct and elegant syntax
5 dev.readable.keywords Developer Have readable annotations Have annotation keywords or names with intuitive, clear, and unambiguous meanings
6 dev.parsable Developer Interoperate with tools or persons A syntax that can both be parsed and can be reasoned about semantically
7 dev.tooling Developer Interoperate with tools or persons Expose annotations to tools that might leverage them (eg. code linter, static analyzer, semantic prover, compiler sanitizer, binary analyzer, code reviewer, etc.)
8 cppdev.syntax.familiar C++ Developer Get up to speed Have annotations use familiar syntax
9 cppdev.syntax.cpp C++ Developer Get up to speed Have annotations use C++ syntax
10 cppdev.syntax.reuse C++ Developer Reuse code Have annotations use my custom types or functions
11 cppdev.location C++ Developer Have a single source of truth Use same source file for both code and annotations
12 api.communicate.inputsoutputs API Developer Communicate my interface to users Document the expected inputs and expected outputs on my interface
13 api.establish.check API Developer Establish a contract Have validation inform me which output values are unexpected or invalid
14 api.establish.values API Developer Establish a contract Have validation inform user which input values are unexpected or invalid
15 api.establish.preconditions API Developer Establish a contract Have contracts specify their pre-conditions as logical predicates
16 api.establish.postconditions API Developer Establish a contract Have contracts specify their post-conditions as logical predicates
17 API Developer Express predicates Make reference to either the values of my inputs, or other in-scope identifiers
18 api.contract.errorhandling API Developer Move contract violation out of error handling Replace uses of error handling to express contract violation (eg. operator[](size_t n) noexcept [[pre: n < size()]] instead of throwing)
19 int.conform.violation Integration Developer Conform to a contract Be informed any time an interface's contract is violated
20 int.conform.postconditions Integration Developer Conform to a contract Verify results from a call are expected output values
21 Integration Developer Build multiple libraries Use contract-enabled header-only libraries
22 Integration Developer Build multiple libraries Use contract-enabled binary libraries
23 int.violations.information Integration Developer Correct failed checks Be informed what check failed, when, where, and how
24 int.violations.common Integration Developer Unify violation handling Be able to override how library violations are handled in the combined software to point into my handling code
25 Integrated Software Provider Ensure the combined software is correct At build time, turn on and off what checking happens.
26 int.runtime.unchecked Integrated Software Provider Test final deliverable Turn off run time checking to remove checking overhead
27 cpplib.headeronly C++ Library Developer Use templates Be able to ship header only library
28 arch.nomacros Technical Architect Maintain quality of code base Express assertions in a way that does not rely on C macros (i.e., there is no valid technical reason for a programmer not to use the new way, including space, time, tooling, and usability/complexity reasons, compared to C's assert macro)
29 arch.complete Technical Architect Have a consistent and holistic contracts facility Specify preconditions/postconditions/assertions/invariants that express my expectations about the expected valid state of my program in the form of compilable boolean expressions, that can be checked statically or dynamically (as opposed to disjointed state where these features are factored into bits)
30 sdev.bestpractices Senior Developer Set an example Demonstrate best practice in defensive programming
31 sdev.quality Senior Developer Enforce code quality Discourage reliance on observable out-of-contract behavior by causing check failure to hard stop program or build
32 jdev.understand.contracts Junior Developer Understand the API A uniform, fluent description of expected input values, expected output values, side effects, and all logical pre and post conditions
33 jdev.understand.violations Junior Developer Understand the API Be informed when my usage is out of contract
34 jdev.understand.aborting Junior Developer Understand the program Know why my software is aborting
35 jdev.understand.buildviolation Junior Developer Understand the program Know that my program or build was halted due to contract violation
36 jdev.understand.all Junior Developer Understand the facility Be able to build a program with contracts after reasonably short tutorial
37 jdev.understand.keywords Junior Developer Understand the facility Have keywords with precise and unambiguous meanings
38 jdev.bestpractices Junior Developer Improve my code Learn about software best practices by example
39 Agile Developer Iterate quickly Be able to write and modify contracts quickly without heavy boiler plate or up front cost
40 qdev.checkall Quality Sensitive Developer Enable full checking Ensure all checks (pre, post, assert, invariant) are enabled
41 teach.bestpractices Teacher Demonstrate best practice Be able to express defensive programming, programming by contract, and test driven development to introductory students
42 teach.standardized Teacher Demonstrate best practice Not rely on custom libraries or proprietary extensions
43 teach.portable Teacher Manage many students Have examples compilable by a standard compiler on any system
44 teach.teachable Teacher Build layers of understanding Have simple explanation of assertions and their use to support simple programming tasks, including debugging erroneous programs.
45 Compiler Developer Deliver the best implementation Have a clear and simple specification that meets clear need


This began as an excercise amongst the authors, and we hope that we have identified something that would be minimally viable to agree on as a group.

We encourage anyone to compare these results with the use cases and convince themselves this is minimally viable for their own users, or provide feedback on what else is needed/what is excessive to increase this initial step on the road to consensus.