ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N3034

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:31:31 -0500 (EST)
From: William Rinehuls <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
cc: keld simonsen <[email protected]>
Subject: Notice of Document Availability - N3034 - JTC 1 Resolutions

Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)


Resolutions Adopted at the Fourteenth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1 on November
1-5, 1999 in Seoul, Korea


Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22


Meeting Resolutions


The document is at: "".






Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153 USA
Telephone:  +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]

---------------------------- end -------------------------------------

ISO/IEC JTC 1                                                         
Information Technology                                                

ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 5983

DATE:  1999-11-05     



TITLE: Resolutions Adopted at the Fourteenth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 1-5 November 1999 in Seoul, Korea                                                 

JTC 1 Secretariat                                                     


It is the intention of the JTC 1 Secretariat to issue separate        
communications on all resolutions requiring action.                   


DUE DATE:            

DISTRIBUTION:  P and L Members                                             

DISKETTE NO.:           

NO. OF PAGES:  22        

Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1, American National Standards Institute, 11 
West 42nd Street, New York, NY  10036; Telephone:  1 212 642 4932;    
Facsimile:  1 212 840 2298; Email:  [email protected]                 



Resolutions Adopted at the Fourteenth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 1-5 November 1999 in Seoul, Korea



Resolution 1 - Appointment/Re-appointment of Officers

In accordance with the JTC 1 Directives, JTC 1 makes the following appointments/re-appointments effective this date:

Mr. Walter Fumy, SC 27 Chairman (through the 2002 Plenary)

Dr. Hiroshi Watanabe, SC 29 Chairman (through the 2002 Plenary)

Dr. James Mason, SC 34 Chairman (through the 2002 Plenary

Dr. Yves Neuville, SC 35 Chairman (through the 2002 Plenary)

Mr. Dave Thewlis, CA&I Rapporteur and CASCO Liaison (through the next Plenary)

Ms. Josee Auber, JTC 1/ITU-T Liaison (through the next Plenary)

Mr. Frank Farance, IIT Rapporteur & ITSIG Liaison(through the next Plenary)

Dr. Walter von Pattay, TC 100 Liaison (through the next Plenary)



Resolution 2 - Appreciation to the JTC 1/ITU-T Liaison

JTC 1 notes that Mrs. Valet-Harper is unable to continue as the JTC 1/ITU-T Liaison. JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to Mrs. Valet-Harper for her many efforts in ensuring the continued successful collaborative relationship between JTC 1 and ITU-T.



Resolution 3 - Appreciation to the JTC 1/CASCO Liaison

JTC 1 notes the resignation of Mr. Joel Urman as the JTC 1/CASCO Liaison and his upcoming retirement in March 2000. JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to Mr. Urman for his many contributions to JTC 1 and to the conformity assessment activity over the past several years; most recently for his efforts in facilitating communications between JTC 1 and CASCO. JTC 1 wishes him a happy retirement.



Resolution 4 - Appreciation to Mr. Follett

JTC 1 notes the end of Mr. Follett's term of office as SC 22 Chairman and regrets that he was unable to attend this Plenary meeting. JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to Mr. Follett for his effective leadership as SC 22 Chairman and his many contributions to SC 22 and JTC 1. JTC 1 also expresses its appreciation to Mr. Follett for his very thorough work in editing the JTC 1 Directives. JTC 1 and SC 22 have certainly benefited from his participation. JTC 1 wishes Mr. Follett well in his new endeavors.



Resolution 5 - Disbandment of SC 26, Microprocessor Systems, and Appreciation to the SC 26 Chairman and Secretariat

Noting that the participation in SC 26 meetings has decreased below five P-members for the past three years and given that there are no longer any active projects in SC 26, JTC 1 disbands SC 26 effective immediately.

Further, noting the recommendations of SC 26 and the agreement of SC 25, JTC 1 transfers the following SC 26 projects to SC 25:

SC 25 is asked to submit its revised title and scope to JTC 1 for approval as soon as possible.

JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to Dr. Pritchard, the SC 26 Chairman and a long time JTC 1 participant, for his effective leadership as SC 26 Chairman and his many contributions to the work of SC 26 and JTC 1. SC 26 and JTC 1 have certainly benefited from his broad experience. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

JTC 1 also expresses its appreciation to the National Body of Japan for its effective administration of the SC 26 Secretariat over the past many years and to the members of SC 26 for their dedication and diligence in the progression of the SC 26 work program.



Resolution 6 - Establishment of a New Subcommittee on Learning Technology

JTC 1 establishes a new Subcommittee on Learning Technology (SC36) with the following title and program of work:

Title: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 -- Learning Technology


Standardization in the area of information technologies that support automation for learners, learning institutions, and learning resources.


The SC shall not create standards or technical reports that define educational standards, cultural conventions, learning objectives, or specific learning content.

In the area of work of this new SC, standards and technical reports would not duplicate work done by other ISO or IEC TCs, SCs, or WGs with respect to their component, specialty, or domain. Instead, when appropriate, normative or informative references to other standards shall be included. Examples include documents on specialty topics such as multimedia, web content, cultural adaptation, and security.

JTC 1 accepts the offer of the US National Body to serve as Secretariat of SC 36.

JTC 1: a) authorizes an organizational meeting of SC 36 to be held in the Spring of 2000; b) requests the SC 36 Secretariat to make necessary arrangements for the meeting; and c) instructs the SC 36 Secretariat to appoint a Chairman to conduct the organizational meeting.

JTC 1 requests the organizational meeting of SC 36 to address any JTC 1 National Body contributions regarding the SC�s title, scope, and its methods of cooperation with the IEEE LTSC and other bodies, and potential work items, and report its conclusions to JTC 1 as soon as possible following the meeting. Any modifications to the title or scope of SC 36, and requests to establish liaisons or cooperative agreements shall be submitted to JTC 1 for 60 day letter ballot immediately following the meeting. Any such letter ballots must be concluded prior to the submission of any NPs by SC 36.

JTC 1 directs its Secretariat to request its National Body Members to consider membership within the new SC and JTC 1 encourages their participation.

Abstentions: Canada, France, Korea


Resolution 7 - JTC 1 Projects More Than 7 Years Old

Having reviewed document JTC 1 N 5943 submitted by the ITTF on JTC 1 projects more than 7 years old, JTC 1 resolves that:



Resolution 8 - SC 35 Scope

JTC 1 approves the revised SC 35 scope as contained in document JTC 1 N 5868. JTC 1 further instructs SC 35 to continue to explore with TC 159/SC 4 potential overlaps in order to avoid duplication of effort.

Objections: Canada, Germany

Abstention: Japan


Resolution 9 - SC 6 Scope

JTC 1 approves the revised SC 6 scope as contained in document JTC 1 N 5838.



Resolution 10 - SC 17 Title and Scope

JTC 1 approves the revised SC 17 title and scope as contained in document JTC 1 N 5963 and requests SC 17 and SC 31 to resolve potential overlaps between their scopes in a way that fosters the existing high level of cooperation within the Technical Direction.

Abstentions: Italy, Switzerland


Resolution 11 Cooperative Agreement Between JTC 1 and SEDRIS

JTC 1 has received document JTC 1 N 5941, the Cooperative Agreement between JTC 1 and the SEDRIS Organization, and fully supports and looks forward to working with the SEDRIS Organization. However, JTC 1 requires further refinement and specificity from SC 24 before this agreement can be finalized.

Therefore, JTC 1 requests that SC 24 provide JTC 1 with supporting information detailing the benefits to be derived from this agreement. JTC 1 also requests SC 24 to narrow the breadth of this agreement and to limit the scope of the agreement to only that which is within the scope of SC 24.

When received from SC 24, JTC 1 further instructs its Secretariat to forward the revised Cooperative Agreement, along with the supporting information, to JTC 1 National Bodies for a 60-day letter ballot on finalization of the cooperative agreement.



Resolution 12a - Release of Standards which do not Fall under the JTC 1 Criteria

JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to request approval from the ISO and IEC Councils to place the following documents on the World Wide Web:

ISO 646: 1991 - ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange

Abstentions: Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Switzerland, USA


Resolution 12b - Release of Standards which do not Fall under the JTC 1 Criteria

Although this does not fall under the criteria, the request is not for release of the standard but rather the portion of the standard relative to binary bitstreams. Therefore, the ITTF is asked to handle this request as appropriate.

ISO/IEC 13814-4:1998 (Binary Bitstreams)

Rationale: IEO/IEC 13818-4 bitstreams are conformance bitstreams for MPEG-2 Audio Part (IEO/IEC 13818-3). These are binary data, which is necessary for checking the conformity of a decoder. In order to avoid an appearance of an incompliant decoder on the market, it is desired to put such bitstreams on a certain Web site and to be available free of charge. It is recognized that such bitstreams are not included in the criteria of making standards freely available on the Web since it is not a standard document itself but a part of Annexes.

Abstention: Germany


Resolution 13a - Release of Standards which Fall under the JTC 1 Criteria

JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to request the ITTF to place the following documents on the World Wide Web:

TR 15285: 1998 - Operational model for characters and glyphs

Abstentions: France, Germany, New Zealand


Resolution 13b - Release of Standards which Fall under the JTC 1 Criteria

JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to request the ITTF to place the following documents on the World Wide Web:

ISO/IEC 16509: 1999 - Year 2000 terminology

Abstentions: Germany, New Zealand



Resolution 14 - Process for NPs and Subdivisions

JTC 1 has reviewed the contributions concerning the activities of SC 2 and SC 2's procedure for determination of NPs. As a result of this discussion, JTC 1 notes again the current subdivision process used to initiate new parts of an existing work item (ie, SC submission of a PoW modifications document for 90 day review and comment by JTC 1 National Bodies.) National Bodies are reminded that they have responsibility to review with critical eye any proposal on modification of POW of SCs without an NP process initiated.



Resolution 15 - Requests to SC 2

JTC 1 instructs SC 2 to make its Roadmap (as mentioned in N5857) available to JTC 1 as part of its Business Plan.

JTC 1 further instructs SC 2 to identify those organizations which can be called upon to contribute historical scripts or scripts not well represented by native users such that this information can be shared in conjunction with work program.



Resolution 16 - Database of IT Terms and Definitions

JTC 1 welcomes and accepts the offer of the UK to populate a known database with JTC 1 terms and definitions that exist in an electronic format.

JTC 1 welcomes and accepts the offer from the IEC to provide the database for this purpose.

JTC 1 authorizes Mr. Martin Ford to undertake appropriate investigations with the IEC and other organizations if necessary and keep JTC 1 informed of progress, especially to notify any difficulties encountered. Mr. Ford is also asked to recommend to JTC 1 the appropriate means to make the database available for use once it is created.




Resolution 17 - Alignment of the ISO and IEC On-line Catalogues

Noting the issues raised by Sweden in document JTC 1 N 5921, Contribution concerning ISO and IEC On-line Catalogues, JTC 1 requests the ITTF to investigate any discrepancies between the two catalogues and to take appropriate remedial action. JTC 1 requests the ITTF to report back to JTC 1 at the next plenary meeting on any actions taken.



Resolution 18 - JTC 1 Recognition Program

JTC 1 reviewed document JTC 1 N 5925, Japanese proposal on the introduction of a JTC 1 recognition program, and as a result reminds its Subcommittees and National Bodies that the ITTF has already in place a system of appreciation. Upon publication of the relevant standard, and identification by the SC Secretariat of the appropriate project editor, the project editor receives from the ITTF a certificate of appreciation together with a complimentary copy of the standard.

Having reminded the subcommittees of the ITTF program, JTC 1 asks its National Bodies and SCs to submit ideas on other possible means of recognition related to the development of standards and the extension of such programs beyond project editors.



Resolution 19 - Patent Problems

JTC 1 reviewed document JTC 1 N 5927, Japanese proposal on patent problems in standardization, and agree that the issues raised are real and of concern to JTC 1. However, JTC 1 believes that patent issues are best addressed by ISO and IEC. Therefore, JTC 1 forwards document N 5927 to the ITTF for consideration by the appropriate bodies in ISO and IEC. The ITTF is requested to report back to JTC 1 at the earliest possible date the ISO and IEC deliberations on this issue.

In addition, JTC 1 instructs all members of JTC 1 (including National Bodies, SCs, WGs and other organizations) to remind their constituencies of the policy as well as the underlying premise of good faith of the Annex A (Reference to patent rights) of ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 (Amendment 1 1995-05-31) thoroughly and to follow the process properly and without disrupting the underlying premise.



Resolution 20 - Referencing to XML

JTC 1 accepts in principle document JTC 1 5917, the Japanese contribution regarding referencing XML in the title of SGML Technical Corrigenda. As these Technical Corrigenda have already been published by the ITTF, JTC 1 requests its Secretariat to forward document JTC 1 N 5917 to SC 34 for their consideration in future corrigenda and amendments to standards referencing XML.



Resolution 21 - National Body Voting Responsibilities

Having discussed the contribution from the Japanese National Body contained document JTC 1 N 5924, JTC 1 reminds its National Bodies of:

National Bodies are further reminded that "abstention" is a valid response (with or without comment) if a National Body is not confident that their technical review is sufficient to cast an "approve" or "disapprove" vote.



Resolution 22 - Guidance to the JTC 1 Chairman and Secretariat on External Requests for Information

JTC 1 understands that the Chairman and Secretariat frequently receive requests for information and for standardization proposals directly from National Body individuals and/or organizations that may not be aware of their JTC 1 National Body contacts. When such requests are received, the JTC 1 Chairman and Secretariat are instructed to forward them to the appropriate National Body contact for consideration and direct response to the requester.



Resolution 23 � JTC 1 Performance Metrics

To be able to assess and manage its performance and to evaluate trends, JTC 1 instructs its SCs to provide by February 15, 2000 and in their future yearly Business Plan report to JTC 1 the following metrics:

This data should be given for at least a five year period

The following table is a format to be used by each SC where the data in the last column is an estimate:








Attendance at Meetings






New Standards Published






Total Standards Published






Active Projects






New Projects







JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to collate and summarize for all of JTC 1 this information and publish it in a document.



Resolution 24 � Publicity for the ITTF web site of Publicly Available standards

JTC 1 requests the JTC 1 Secretariat and ITTF to publicize the existence of the ITTF web site, especially the section containing the Publicly Available JTC 1 standards. Any reasonable means should be taken to achieve this, including establishing links from the JTC 1 and ISO and IEC web sites, establishing links to the Publicly Available JTC 1 Standards from the ISO and IEC catalog, and using tags to facilitate the location of this web site by search engines.



Resolution 25 � Publicity for the JTC 1 web site

Noting that the JTC 1 web site contains links to the JTC 1 SCs and recognized PAS submitter web sites, JTC 1 requests its SCs and encourages its recognized PAS Submitters to link their web sites to the JTC 1 web site.



Resolution 26 � Business Plan for Standards Availability

In response to ISO Council Resolution 34/1999, first item, JTC 1 establishes a Special Group to develop a Business Plan to demonstrate how to bring an agreeable amount of revenue in light of JTC 1�s desire for free or inexpensive standards availability

Terms of Reference:

The Business Plan (Business Model) will address both free availability of standards and new pricing models for standards, such as significantly reduced prices for electronic copies of the standards and reduced priced for certain classes of purchasers, such as academia.

The Special Group shall complete the Business Plan by 1 March 2000, to allow time for a 60 day JTC 1 letter ballot to approve the submittal of the Business Plan to ISO Council for consideration at its June 2000 meeting. The Business Plan should also be provided to the IEC.

The Special Group will use electronic means of operation as much as possible, but is authorized to hold one meeting, if necessary.

JTC 1 appoints Mr. Francois Coallier as Convener of the Special Group.



Resolution 27 � JTC 1 Strategic Planning

JTC 1, in order to further evaluate the contributions which have been made by National Bodies and SCs in response to Resolution 32 of the JTC 1 Rio de Janeiro Plenary meeting, establishes a Special Group for Strategic Planning working in an ad hoc mode, with the following Terms of Reference:

The tasks of the Special Group are:

Noting that some of the contributions received contain far-ranging proposals which require careful consideration, JTC 1 requests that the initial focus of the Group is put on measures with a short- to medium-term implementation range. An additional focus of the Group will be to look at longer-term measures that will require intensive consultation with the parent organizations, and to develop proposals towards this end. Such proposals will particularly address the way for JTC 1 to proceed.

JTC 1 National Bodies are invited to nominate members of the Special Group. The Group may decide to invite additional participants, as needed.

The Group will use electronic means of operation as much as possible, but is authorized to hold meetings, if necessary. JTC 1 National Bodies will have access to all working documents of the Group.

JTC 1 requests the Special Group to deliver the results of its deliberations in time for the November 2000 JTC 1 Plenary meeting. Additionally, the Group is encouraged to submit any intermediate proposals to JTC 1 at any time so that they can be balloted and implemented by JTC 1 at the earliest possible time.

JTC 1 authorizes the Special Group to submit proposals to JTC 1 for a 60 days letter ballot as per clause 9.1.7 of the JTC 1 Directives. "

JTC 1 appoints Mr. Scott Jameson as Convener of the Special Group.

The Special Group will hold its Kick-off the week of 21 February, 2000 in Oslo, Norway.

Objection: Canada


Resolution 28 - Normative Referencing Of Specifications Other Than International Standards

JTC 1 reaffirms that there is a need for the normative referencing of specifications other than international standards from within JTC 1 standards as set out in the guidelines document JTC 1 N 4046, and resolves that:

  1. More experience is needed in the application of the guidelines in JTC 1 N 4046 before their incorporation into a permanent policy and that therefore the trial period for the application of the guidelines is extended until the next JTC1 plenary meeting;
  2. SC chairmen and secretariats should take steps to improve awareness of the guidelines in JTC1 N 4046 within their own organizations. They should evaluate carefully the need for any normative referencing of specifications other than international standards and also observe the requirements for all normative references to be listed as set out in both JTC1 N 4046 and the JTC1 Directives;
  3. It is JTC 1's intention to terminate the trial period as soon as possible. Therefore, SCs and National Bodies are requested to use the experiences gained in the extended trial to develop a position on the introduction of a permanent policy, including specific textual proposals for the adaptation of JTC1 N 4046 to provide text for a permanent policy in the JTC1 Directives;
  4. A single policy is sufficient to cater for the normative referencing of specifications other than international standards in both JTC1 standards and ISPs, (if any), so that further development of the guidelines contained in JTC 1 N4047 for ISPs is unnecessary;
  5. SCs and National Bodies are requested to pay particular attention to mechanisms that could be utilized to reduce the burden of the process on officers at the SC level. Examples can include the reuse by one SC of a prior written statements developed by another SC, or the use of appropriate statements from approved co-operative agreements between JTC1 and another organization ;
  6. The JTC 1 secretariat is requested to arrange for space on the JTC1 web-site to be made available so that Referenced Explanatory Reports (RERs) provided by SCs can be reviewed by other SCs for reuse when further specifications from the same Referenced Specification (RS) originator are to be referenced;
  7. SCs and National Bodies are also requested to make practical proposals for the accommodation of specifications accessible in electronic form (e.g. on web-sites via a stable URL) including formats of acceptable electronic addresses and recommendations for notification of changes in status or location of such specifications;



Resolution 29 - Special JTC 1 Meetings On Planning Standardization of Spatial Information & Related Interoperability

JTC 1 resolves to conduct a planning exercise in the area of standardization of spatial information and related interoperability.

a) JTC 1 authorizes Mr. Martin Ford, UK to call not more than two special meetings between now and the next JTC 1 Plenary meeting to co-ordinate existing and proposed work in the area of standardization of spatial information and related interoperability.

The potential audience and terms of reference are as follows as:


The invitees shall comprise experts from National Bodies and Liaison Organizations and at least the following organizations/committees:

JTC 1/SC 24

JTC 1/SC 32

ISO TC 184 /SC 4

ISO TC 211

ISO TC 204




The purpose of the meetings is to develop a mutually agreed plan between the interested parties setting out the responsibilities for work in standardization for spatial information and its related interoperability. The main aim is to achieve minimal overlap and optimum collaboration.

d) Mr Ford is requested to report back to JTC 1 on meetings with recommendations for any further JTC 1 decisions and/or ballots.

e) Subject to confirmation by the prospective invitees and the US National body, it is proposed to hold the first meeting in the US, early in 2000.



Resolution 30 - Proposed Change To SC 24 Scope

JTC 1 considered the proposed changes to SC 24�s scope as contained in JTC 1 N 5940. After examining the need for wider co-ordination activities as authorized in Resolution 29, SC 24 is instructed to revise its proposals, if necessary, to reflect agreements reached in the meetings as described in Resolution 29 and then submit the revised scope to JTC 1 for letter ballot.



Resolution 31 - Enhanced Public Information on JTC 1 Work in Progress

JTC 1 instructs the Chairmen of its SCs to provide the Secretariat with a resume of their SC business plans tailored for inclusion on a public information page to be made available via the JTC 1 Web Page by end of December 1999 and requests that they provide thereafter appropriate updates on work in progress, and proposals for any new items when changes arise.



Resolution 32 - Increased Publicity of JTC 1 Activities

JTC 1 encourages its National Bodies and SCs to help contribute information and articles to professional journals, meetings and proceedings so that information on JTC 1 work and related activities within partner organizations is widely disseminated and understood. In particular JTC 1 expresses appreciation to the ISO Bulletin staff, the JTC 1 Secretariat and the many authors who have contributed articles and news for publication to date for their magnificent support in making information on JTC 1 activities and successes widely available and resolves as follows with a view to expanding and managing this service:

a) JTC 1 requests its Secretariat to publish on the JTC 1 website the schedule of forthcoming JTC 1- sponsored contributions in the monthly issues of the ISO Bulletin together with the names and email address of the projected authors

b) JTC 1 retains 8 of the annual issues for matters directly related to JTC 1 and SC use and requests its SCs and National Bodies to help advance relationship with partner organizations and further mutual work by contacting representatives of these organizations and to invite contributions for 4 of the annual issues from organizations in liaison with JTC 1 its SCs or WGs to provide information on their work and their relationships with ISO/IEC.

c) JTC 1 encourages its National Bodies and SCs to produce case studies on standards success stories (e.g. MPEG, SPICE, VRML) and to have these published in major widely distributed IT journals

d) JTC 1 encourages its National Bodies and SCs to advance management attention to standardization issues and strategic value by contributing appropriate articles and letters to widely distributed and respected management and news magazines.



Resolution 33 - Improved Public Relations

JTC 1 resolves to establish a closed ad-hoc mail reflector for quick response to help JTC 1 Chairman develop press releases and respond to external press contacts in a timely manner and requests JTC 1 Secretariat to issue a call for National Bodies to nominate one individual each for participation in this email group for the period to the next Plenary.



Resolution 34 - JTC 1 and SC Websites

JTC 1 encourages its National Bodies to review their experience with the use of the new JTC 1 and SC web sites and invites them to submit feedback to the Secretariat on any areas for improvement.



Resolution 35 - Feedback Page in Standards

JTC 1 requests ITTF to incorporate a feedback page on all future JTC 1 standards similar to the facility provided by IEC in their standards.



Resolution 36 - Joint Marketing Initiatives with Partner Organizations

JTC 1 encourages its National Bodies and SCs to consider JTC 1 Marketing requirements and opportunities including possible joint marketing initiatives with partner organizations and requests its Secretariat to issues a call to JTC 1 National Bodies and Liaison Organizations and SCs for inputs to be considered at the next JTC 1 plenary.



Resolution 36a: Establishment of Marketing Rapporteur Group

JTC 1 establishes a Marketing Rapporteur Group (RG-M) effective immediately. The RG-M will

  1. act as a JTC 1 focal point for information on existing standardization marketing efforts
  2. b) maintain and advance the JTC 1 External Message Strategy

  3. advise JTC 1 and its SCs on programs and initiatives that will advance the understanding and appreciation of international standardization value add in JTC 1 areas of interest

In addition to being open to representatives nominated by JTC 1 National Body Members, JTC 1 SCs are invited and encouraged to appoint representatives. The work of the RG-M will be conducted electronically as far as possible.

JTC 1 directs its Secretariat to issue a call to its National Bodies and SCs soliciting memberships to the RG-M.

JTC 1 appoints Mr. Henry J F Ryan as Marketing Rapporteur through the next Plenary.

Objections: France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, USA

Abstention: Brazil, Japan, Switzerland, UK


Resolution 37 - JTC 1 Delegation to the ISO/IEC/UN ECE MoU Management Group

JTC 1 authorizes the following delegation to represent JTC 1 at future MoU/MG meetings:

Ms. Sandy Paul (HoD)

Mr. Paul Levine (SC 32)

Mr. Alan Haberman (SC 31)



Resolution 38 - Coordination with TC 154

JTC 1 authorizes the National Body of Germany to continue in leading JTC 1's cooperative efforts with TC 154 during this next plenary period.



Resolution 39 - Category C Liaisons

Having reviewed the requests for Category C Liaison, JTC 1 recommends that ITTF grant Category C Liaison status as follows:

JTC 1/SC 22/WG 20 - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)



Resolution 40 - Category A Liaisons

a) Having reviewed the requests for Category A Liaison, JTC 1 recommends that ITTF grant Category A Liaison status as follows:


  1. Having reviewed the request from SC 27 for Category A Liaison with the IETF contained in document JTC 1 N 5962, JTC 1 requests SC 27 to verify and complete the liaison request in accordance with the JTC 1 Directives.



Resolution 41 - JTC 1 Delegation to JTAG2

JTC 1 authorizes the following delegation to represent JTC 1 at future JTAG 2 meetings:

Mr. Jan van den Beld (SC 11, SC 23)

Dr. Scott Foshee (SC 29)

Mr. Greg Kisor (HoD)

TBD (SC 28)

JTC 1 instructs its delegation to ensure JTC 1�s ability to manage its program of work and progress its standards in a timely manner are not impaired.



Resolution 42 - ISO Membership in ICANN/PSO

JTC 1 requests the JTC 1 Chairman, in consultation with the SC 6 Chairman, to further investigate ISO's potential membership on behalf of JTC 1 in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Protocol Support Organization (PSO). The ITTF should be contacted to confirm that there would be no issues from the ISO/IEC perspective with pursuing this membership. Feedback should also be requested from member organizations of ICANN/PSO to obtain their support for the proposed membership of ISO (JTC 1) in the ICANN PSO. Based on information received from the above sources, the JTC 1 Chairman and Secretariat are authorized to pursue the ICANN/PSO membership application via the ITTF with notification to JTC 1 of the application status.



Resolution 43 - Future Meetings

The following schedule of JTC 1 Plenary Meetings is agreed:

6-10 Nov. 2000 - Tromsoe, Norway

early Nov. 2001 - Hawaii, USA

early Nov. 2002 - Switzerland




Resolution 44 - Timing of Contributions for the November 2000 JTC 1 Plenary Meeting in Norway

JTC 1 establishes the following deadlines for contributions for the November 2000 plenary meeting in Norway:

The following exceptions are permitted:

The final agenda for adoption and use at the Norway Plenary will be posted to the JTC 1 web site on October 20, 2000.

For contributions submitted via email, the JTC 1 Secretariat will provide a mechanism by which the submitter will be notified that the contribution has been received at the Secretariat's office. Nevertheless, ultimately the submitter is obligated to ensure receipt by a) checking the JTC 1 web site for document postings; b) checking iterations of draft agendas for agenda items and associated document references, (a "last call" agenda will be issued on October 9, 2000) c) corresponding with the Secretariat.

JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat to strictly enforce these deadlines.



Resolution 45 - JTC 1 Business Plan

JTC 1 approves document JTC 1 5961 as the current JTC 1 Business Plan with modifications to include the establishment of a new SC on Learning Technology, establishment of a planning process for standardization of spatial information and to pursue membership in ICANN/PSO.



Resolution 46 - JTC 1 Press Release

JTC 1 agrees with the concepts given in document JTC 1 5982 to serve as the JTC 1 press release announcing the results of the Seoul Plenary meeting. JTC 1 instructs its Secretariat and Chairman to revise document N 5982 as appropriate and to post this press release under the "What's New" section of the JTC 1 web site and to forward it to as many press contacts as possible within the next week. National Bodies are also encouraged to disseminate this information as widely as possible within their individual countries.




  1. JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to Mr. DONG-CHUL KIM, Director General, Standards Bureau, Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy, for his welcoming remarks and expressions of support of the work of JTC 1.
  2. acclamation

  3. JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to its meeting host, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), for the excellent meeting facilities, the lovely gift for the delegates and the wonderful banquet on Wednesday evening. JTC 1 also expresses its appreciation to Mr. Joo for his hospitality and welcoming remarks at the banquet. The gift and the banquet are special remembrances of our trip to Korea.


C)JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to KATS and its staff:

for the excellent meeting support.

In particular, JTC 1 expresses its special thanks to Ms. Jooran Lee for her outstanding support both before and during the meeting.


d)JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to the Subcommittee Chairmen, Subcommittee Secretaries, and JTC 1 Rapporteurs for their efforts in support of the work of JTC 1 and for the preparation of the reports that reflect these activities.


e)JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to the Drafting Committee for its completion of the resolutions.


f)JTC 1 expresses its appreciation to its Chairman, Mr. Thomas Frost, for his fine efforts in bringing about another successful JTC 1 Plenary meeting. His leadership, patience, good humor, and attention to getting the work done are critical to the success of JTC 1.
