Information Technology

ISO/IEC JTC 1 N 4572

DATE: 1997.03.06


Procedural Documentation

JTC 1 Web Server Policy

JTC 1 Ad Hoc on JTC 1 Strategy for Implementing IT


As per Recommendation 5 of the February 1997 Ad Hoc Group meeting on JTC 1 Strategy for Implementing IT, this document is circulated to JTC 1 National Bodies for a 60-day letter ballot.


DUE DATE: 1997.05.20





Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036; Telephone: 1 212 642 4932; Facsimile: 1 212 398 0023; Email: [email protected]

                                                        ISO/IEC JTC 1 N4572
 [Image]                                                1997-02-27
                                                        Author: IT adhoc

ISO/IEC JTC 1 Web Server Policy
[ Note:  This is a text printout of a web-based document ]

This document is intended to provide policy governing JTC 1 and SC:

  I. Web Page Structure: The minimal structure of web based pages for JTC 1
     and its SCs (jointly referred to simply as committee.) It is not
     intended to dictate structure or content at the WG level.
 II. Web Server Content: The minimal structure/content of JTC 1 and SC web
III. Web Server Maintainance: Policy concerning the maintenance of those
     web pages

It is expected that National Bodies and Committees will utilize this
document as they begin their web-server implementation. Additional
information is available in JTC1 N4576, Tips and Techniques for JTC1 Web

                           I. Web Page Structure

Every JTC 1/SC web page shall contain the following structural elements:
(These elements may appear in any order, however it is highly recommended
that the committee retain the same style for all pages within the
committee's purview.)

  1. Title Block (should have a common "look-and-feel" within the
       a. Title of committee with the ISO/IEC logo.
       b. The page author and date created or last modified (preferably
          generated automatically)
       c. A version number
       d. Optional use of a common background image may also be employed.
       e. Optional committee logo if desired
  2. Body - contains information specific to the committee. The use of
     forward navigational pointers is highly recommended
  3. Web Master information - who to contact for errors, suggestions, etc.
  4. Consistent Set of Back Pointers (for example the Parent Committee main
     page, Committee web-page design guidelines, primary site information,
     etc. )


                           II. Web Server Content

Each web server (JTC 1 and SC) shall provide the following, manditory
information in the form of web pages which conform to the common look and
feel of the Web Page Structure appropriate to the committee.

  1. Description of the Organization Structure of the committee
  2. Committee Membership (List of P, O, L members and the contact
     information for liaisons and rapporteurs)
  3. Committee Meeting schedule
  4. Next meeting information
       a. Agenda
       b. Venue
  5. Program of Work
  6. A single document register for all committee documents
  7. Personnel information on officers and members

Although optional, each secretariat is strongly encouraged to add the
following information as appropriate.

  1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page
  2. Ballot information
       a. Due dates
       b. Document number of balloted text
       c. Document number of Summary of Voting
  3. Procedures (which may simply point to the parent committee's
  4. News and Press releases
  5. Links to committee relevant Publications and Standards


                          Web Server Maintenance

  1. PRIVATE vs. PUBLIC web pages
     The committee shall distinguish between public and private pages per
     Annex D to JTC1 N4558

  2. Password Protection
     The server administrator shall provide appropriate limited access to
     non-members by use of group level passwords with appropriate
     notification to users. Non-members attempting to access protected
     pages shall be automatically replied to with a message stating the
     criteria for access.

  3. Data Integrity
       a. Site shall be backed up automatically
       b. All Documents shall contain authorship and timestamp information
          as defined in the Web Page Structure Title Block
       c. There shall be a single source for all documents (no duplication)
       d. Site shall provide automatic virus checking - clean files before
          update or retransmission and notify sender of infected file

  4. Document Registration, Retention and Archival
       a. Hierarchy
          Structured with a register list every 50th document
       b. Access
          - Each register shall show all Document numbers, title, date, due
          - Register entries shall be hot-linked to the actual documents
          - Provisions shall be provided to download documents as a package
          (e.g for documents with enclosures, annexes, drawings, embedded
          data, etc.)
          - Provision shall be made for providing paper printouts of
          documents to those with no web access.
       c. On-line Retention
          Documents shall be retained for a minimum of two years or two
          complete plenary cycles, whichever is greater.
       d. Archival
          After the retention period, documents may be removed from on-line
          availability and shall be available from the secretariat in a
          format at the discretion of the secretariat.