SC22/WG14 N785
Meaning of "definition"
Clive D.W. Feather
[email protected]
The Standard uses wording that implies that certain concepts (such as type
names) have definitions, but does not support this in the definition of
definition. This proposal fixes this.
Change 6.5 (Declarations) paragraph 5 from:
A /declaration/ specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set
of identifiers. A declaration that also causes storage to be reserved
for an object or function named by an identifier is a /definition/.[90]
A /declaration/ specifies the interpretation and attributes of a set
of identifiers. A /definition/ of an identifier is a declaration for
that identifier that:
- for an object, causes storage to be reserved for that object;
- for a function, includes the function body;[90]
- for an enumeration constant or typedef name, is the (only)
declaration of the identifier.