ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 N798

                                           Document Number: ISO WG14 N798
					   Date:  01-December-1997

Project number:   JTC

Subject: Nomination for Project Editor

Reference Document No: N/A

As convenor of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/G14 - C, I would like to nominate 
Larry Jones for the position of Project Editor for WG14.  Larry is 
a long-time NCITS/J11 member.  Larry is willing and able to perform 
the task and has the support of his management and the officers of 
NCITS/J11.  Larry is employed by a US domiciled company.  Larry's 
mailing address, phone and e-mail are:

	Larry Jones
	2000 Eastman Driver
	Milford, OH   45150-2740
											E-mail: [email protected]
	Phone:  +1 513 576 2070