ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 N1262

National Committee for Information Technology Standards (NCITS)*

                                   Doc No: J16/00-0039, WG21/N1262

                                   September 05, 2000

                                   Reply to:
                                   Stephen D. Clamage
                                   Sun Microsystems, Inc
                                   901 San Antonio Rd, m/s MPK16-303
                                   Palo Alto, CA 94303
                                   Tel: +1 (650) 786-5572
                                   Email: [email protected]


                     J16 Meeting No. 31
                    WG21 Meeting No. 26
                    October 23-27, 2000

The main goal for  this  meeting  is  to  finish  the  draft
language  for  the  first  Technical  Corrigendum to the C++
Standard.  DRs which have been resolved but not voted on  by
the Committee should be voted on in this meeting.

We will not try to draft the final  copy  at  this  meeting.
Instead, the final copy, produced by the Project Editor away
from the hustle and bustle of the meeting, will be voted  on
by letter ballot after the meeting.

The performance working group  will  continue  work  on  the
Technical  Report on C++ performance issues as schedule per-

Monday, October 23, 9:00am-5:30pm

 1.  Opening activities

 1.1 Opening comments

*  Operating  under  the  procedures  of  the  American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
NCITS, 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite  200,  Washington,  DC

 1.2 Introductions

 1.3 Membership, voting rights, and procedures for the meet-

 1.4 Agenda review and approval

 1.5 Distribution of position papers, WG  progress  reports,
     WG  work  plans  for the week, and other documents that
     were not distributed before the meeting.

 1.6 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

 1.7 Report on the WG21 Sunday meeting

 1.8 Liaison reports

 1.9 New business requiring actions by the committee

 2.  Organize subgroups, establish working procedures.

 3.  WG sessions (Core, Library, Performance).

     The  Core  and  Library  groups  will  work  on  Defect
     Reports.  Performance will set its own agenda.

Tuesday, October 24, 8:00am-5:30pm

 4.  WG sessions continue.

Wednesday, October 25, 8:00am-5:30pm

 5.  WG sessions continue.

     The WG chairs will arrange for any DRs ready to be pro-
     posed  for  resolution to be written up in motion form,
     and made available in printed form by the  end  of  the

Thursday, October 26, 8:30am-11:30am

 6.  General session.

 6.1 WG status and progress reports.

 6.2 Presentation and discussion of DRs ready  to  be  voted
     on.  Straw votes taken.

Thursday, October 26, 1:00pm-5:30pm

 7.  WG sessions continue.  DR motions modified  as  needed,
     made available in printed form by the end of the day.

Thursday, October 26, evening

Social event hosted by IBM.

Friday, October 27, 8:00am-Noon

 8.  Review of the meeting

 8.1 Formal motions, including DRs to be resolved.

 8.2 Review of action items, decisions made,  and  documents
     approved by the committee

 8.3 Issues delayed until Friday

 9.  Plans for the future

 9.1 Next meeting

 9.2 Mailings

 9.3 Following meetings


Morning coffee break - 10:00am-10:15am

Lunch break - Noon-1:30pm

Afternoon coffee break - 3:15pm-3:30pm