Accredited Standards Committee NCITS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Doc No: J16/00-0000R3
Operating under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute WG21/SD-1
1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200; Washington, DC 20005 USA Date: 00-11-20
Reply to: William M. Miller
[email protected]
J16 Number WG21 Document Distrib Title Author Prev Version Working
Number Date Date Group
-------------- ------ --------- -------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------- -------------
J16/00-0000R3 SD-1 00-11-20 00-11-20 2000 J16 Document List William M. Miller -
J16/00-0001R3 SD-2 00-11-20 00-11-20 ISO WG21 and ANSI J16 Membership List William M. Miller -
J16/00-0002 N1225 00-02-13 00-03-18 Agenda, SC22/WG21, C++, Tokyo, Japan Thomas Plum -
J16/00-0003 N1226 00-02-18 00-03-18 C++ Standard Library Active Issues List (Revision Beman Dawes 99-0048=N1224 Library
J16/00-0004 N1227 00-02-18 00-03-18 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision Beman Dawes 99-0046=N1222 Library
J16/00-0005 N1228 00-02-18 00-03-18 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision Beman Dawes 99-0047=N1223 Library
J16/00-0006 N1229 00-03-02 00-03-18 Friend Declaration Issues John Spicer Core
J16/00-0007 N1230 00-03-05 00-03-18 Agenda, J16 Meeting No. 30, WG21 Meeting No. 25 Stephen D. Clamage -
J16/00-0008 N1231 00-03-07 00-03-18 Miscellaneous Template Issues for Tokyo Meeting John Spicer Core
J16/00-0009 N1232 00-03-06 00-03-18 The core language auto_ptr problem J. Stephen Adamczyk Core
J16/00-0010 N1233 00-03-10 00-03-18 Technical Report on Basic I/O Hardware Addressing Jan Kristoffersen Performance
J16/00-0011 N1234 00-03-07 00-03-18 Proposed Resolution for Core Issue 73 William M. Miller Core
J16/00-0012 N1235 00-03-06 00-03-18 October 2000 Meeting of WG21/J16 Travel Robert Klarer -
J16/00-0013 N1236 00-03-18 00-03-18 C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision William M. Miller 99-0032=N1208 Core
J16/00-0014 N1237 00-03-18 00-03-18 C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports, William M. Miller 99-0032=N1208 Core
Revision 10
J16/00-0015 N1238 00-03-18 00-03-18 C++ Standard Core Language Closed Issues, Revision William M. Miller 99-0032=N1208 Core
J16/00-0016R1 N1239 00-05-21 00-05-21 C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision William M. Miller 00-0013=N1236 Core
J16/00-0017R1 N1240 00-05-21 00-05-21 C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports, William M. Miller 00-0014=N1237 Core
Revision 12
J16/00-0018R1 N1241 00-05-21 00-05-21 C++ Standard Core Language Closed Issues, Revision William M. Miller 00-0015=N1238 Core
J16/00-0019R1 N1242 00-04-26 00-05-21 C++ Standard Library Active Issues List (Revision Beman Dawes 00-0003=N1226 Library
J16/00-0020R1 N1243 00-04-26 00-05-21 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision Beman Dawes 00-0005=N1228 Library
J16/00-0021R1 N1244 00-04-26 00-05-21 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision Beman Dawes 00-0004=N1227 Library
J16/00-0022 N1245 00-04-13 00-05-21 Binder Problem and Reference Proposal (Revised) Bjarne Stroustrup 99-0011=N1188 Core
J16/00-0023 N1246 00-04-17 00-05-21 Fixing valarray for Real-World Use AFNOR Library
J16/00-0024 N1247 00-04-17 00-05-21 Programmer-directed Optimizations Seiji Hayashida Performance
J16/00-0025 N1248 00-04-19 00-05-21 Draft Technical Report on Performance Issues Performance WG Performance
J16/00-0026 N1249 00-04-19 00-05-21 Drafting from Tokyo Meeting -- Revision 2 John Spicer Core
J16/00-0027 N1250 00-04-19 00-05-21 Library Motions for Tokyo Beman Dawes Library
J16/00-0028 N1251 00-09-05 00-09-19 Definition of Dependent Name John Spicer Core
J16/00-0029 N1252 00-04-12 00-05-21 Shades of Namespace std Functions Alan Griffiths Library
J16/00-0030 N1253 00-05-01 00-05-21 Minutes, SC22/WG21, C++, Tokyo, Japan Thomas Plum -
J16/00-0031 N1254 00-09-06 00-09-19 Member Access Control -- Proposed Revisions Martin O'Riordan Core
J16/00-0032 N1255 00-05-05 00-05-21 Minutes, J16 + WG21 Meeting, Tokyo Robert Klarer -
J16/00-0033 N1256 00-08-08 00-09-19 Agenda, SC22/WG21, C++, Toronto, Canada Thomas Plum -
J16/00-0034 N1257 00-09 00-09-19 Business Plan and Convener's Report, ISO/IEC Thomas Plum -
J16/00-0035 N1258 00-09-06 00-09-19 ROM-ability (Performance Group) Seiji Hayashida Performance
J16/00-0036 N1259 00-09-07 00-09-19 C++ Standard Library Active Issues List (Revision Matt Austern 00-0019=N1242 Library
J16/00-0037 N1260 00-09-07 00-09-19 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision Matt Austern 00-0020=N1243 Library
J16/00-0038 N1261 00-09-08 00-09-19 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision Matt Austern 00-0021=N1244 Library
J16/00-0039 N1262 00-09-05 00-09-19 Agenda, J16 Meeting No. 31, WG21 Meeting No. 26 Stephen Clamage -
J16/00-0040 N1263 00-09-05 00-09-19 Default Arguments and Friend Declarations John Spicer Core
J16/00-0041 N1264 00-09-01 Template Keyword for Syntactic Disambiguation John Spicer Core
J16/00-0042 N1265 00-09-16 00-09-19 C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision William M. Miller 00-0016=N1239 Core
J16/00-0043 N1266 00-09-16 00-09-19 C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports, William M. Miller 00-0017=N1240 Core
Revision 13
J16/00-0044 N1267 00-09-16 00-09-19 C++ Standard Core Language Closed Issues, Revision William M. Miller 00-0018=N1241 Core
J16/00-0045 N1268 00-10-17 00-11-20 Member Access Control and Nested Classes Alan Griffiths and Mark Core
J16/00-0046 N1269 00-11-10 00-11-20 C++ Standard Library Active Issues List (Revision Matt Austern 00-0036=N1259 Library
J16/00-0047 N1270 00-10-26 00-11-20 C++ Standard Library Closed Issues List (Revision Matt Austern 00-0037=N1260 Library
J16/00-0048 N1271 00-10-26 00-11-20 C++ Standard Library Defect Report List (Revision Matt Austern 00-0038=N1261 Library
J16/00-0049R1 N1272 00-11-18 00-11-20 C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision William M. Miller 00-0042=N1265 Core
J16/00-0050R2 N1273 00-11-18 00-11-20 C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports, William M. Miller 00-0043=N1266 Core
Revision 15
J16/00-0051R2 N1274 00-11-18 00-11-20 C++ Standard Core Language Closed Issues, Revision William M. Miller 00-0044=N1267 Core
J16/00-0052 N1275 00-10-22 00-11-20 Minutes of ISO WG21 Meeting, October 22, 2000 Herb Sutter -
J16/00-0053 N1276 00-10-23 00-11-20 Minutes of ANSI J16 and ISO WG21 Co-located Herb Sutter -
Meeting, October 23-27, 2000
J16/00-0054 N1277 <Never Issued> -
J16/00-0055 N1278 00-10-25 00-11-20 October 2001 WG14/WG21 Meeting Jonathan E. Caves -
J16/00-0056 N1279 00-11-01 00-11-20 Definition of Dependent Name - Revision 2 John Spicer 00-0028=N1251 Core
J16/00-0057 N1280 00-10-26 00-11-20 Formal Motions Stephen D. Clamage -
J16/00-0058 N1281 00-11-06 00-11-20 Performance TR - Working Paper Performance WG 00-0025=N1248 Performance
J16/00-0059 N1282 00-10-26 00-11-20 Request for Library TR Nicolai Josuttis Library
J16/00-0060 N1283 00-10-26 00-11-20 A New Work Item Proposal: Technical Report for Nicolai Josuttis Library
Library Issues
J16/00-0061 N1284 <Never Issued>
J16/00-0062 N1285 00-10-27 00-11-20 Minutes of U.S. TAG Meeting, October 27, 2000 Herb Sutter -
J16/00-0063 N1286 00-11-07 00-11-20 The point of destruction of a call argument J. Stephen Adamczyk Core
J16/00-0064 N1287 00-11-08 00-11-20 Agenda, SC22/WG21, C++, Copenhagen, Denmark Thomas Plum -