Doc No: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21/SD-3
Date: 2012-08-17
Project: JTC1.22.32
Ref. Doc:
Reply To: Herb Sutter
          Convener, SC22/WG21
          Microsoft Corp.
          1 Microsoft Way
          Redmond WA USA 98052
          Email: [email protected]
          Tel: +1-425-707-6533

SC22/WG21 (C++) Study Group Organizational Information

1. WG21 Study Groups
WG21 currently has four SGs and appointed chairs.
  SG1: Concurrency and Parallelism (Hans Boehm)
  SG2: Modules (Doug Gregor)
  SG3: File System (Beman Dawes)
  SG4: Networking (Kyle Kloepper)
  SG5: Transactional Memory (Michael Wong)
  SG6: Numerics (Lawrence Crowl)

An SG is not a formal project, and so ISO does not formally appoint an Editor. However, some SGs will be working on a document, and those SGs should have someone who acts as editor to maintain the working draft of that document, and publish each draft revision as an N-numbered paper. The SG can approve changes to its own working draft, but the understanding is that the final product will be a submission to a full WG21 meeting for further processing.
2. Meetings (Face-to-Face and Telecon)
Each SG may meet independently of WG21, and the chair may convene teleconferences and face-to-face meetings that are covered by the ISO WG21 umbrella. Also, these groups will probably want to meet in their own breakouts at WG21 face-to-face meetings (not necessarily for the entire week, just what they need).
Each SG meeting should be announced well in advance on the above reflectors (at least two weeks in advance for a telecon, and preferably two months in advance for a face-to-face meeting so that people have time to arrange travel), have a published agenda (preferably N-numbered document, but can be a reflector email), and take minutes that are published as an N-numbered document (these need not be extensive but should at least summarize any decisions/actions within the SG).

For the agenda, the main thing is to let people know roughly what the scope and topics for the meeting are going to be so that they can decide whether or not to attend, and to structure the discussion during the meeting to make good and orderly use of time. Please include the usual items below, where the bulk of the time will be on #2 which the chair should fill in as appropriate to list the meaty topics for the meeting in just enough detail for people know whether they want to attend:
  1. Opening and introductions
  1.1 Roll call of participants
  1.2 Adopt agenda
  1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting
  1.4 Review action items from previous meeting
  2. [... major topics to be considered ...]
  3. Any other business
  4. Review
  4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues  [e.g., changes to SG's working draft]
  4.2 Review action items
  5. Closing process
  5.1 Establish next agenda
  5.2 Future meetings
  5.3 Adjourn 

3. Documents

SGs should publish at least their minutes and working draft updates (if applicable) as WG21 N-numbered documents, which will be published in the next normal WG21 mailing. Please consult Clark Nelson as usual to obtain WG21 document numbers.

Note that once an N-numbered document has been published, it may not be changed. To distribute preliminary versions, use the prefix D (e.g., D1234.pdf is a non-final draft of what will eventually be published in a WG21 mailing as N1234.pdf).

4. Progress and Liaison

An SG does not on its own ask the convener to initiate any ballots (e.g., NP). When the SG is ready to progress some work, it delivers it for further processing at the next normal WG21 meeting.
The SG chair should regularly keep the convener and the appropriate WG21 subgroup chair up to date on their SG�s activities. 

Each SG should also report its status as part of liaison reporting at every WG21 plenary meeting, including at the WG21 admin telecons that are currently held two Fridays before the WG21 face to face meetings.