ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N2117

Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 17:45:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: "william c. rinehuls" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Document SC22 N2117

Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)


August 1996

TITLE:                  Venue Notice and Draft Agenda for SC22/WG16
                        (Lisp) Meeting on November 8-9, 1996 in Bath,
                        United Kingdom

SOURCE:                 Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22

WORK ITEM:              N/A

STATUS:                 N/A


DOCUMENT TYPE:          Venue Notice and Agenda

ACTION:                 To SC22 Member Bodies for information.

Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153  USA
Tel:  +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]


                         15TH MEETING OF
                   ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG16 LISP
                     TO BE HELD IN BATH (UK)
                        8-9 NOVEMBER 1996



November 8-9, 1996. Begin at 9:30am on Friday November 8, expected to end on
Saturday November 9 at 2pm. A dinner will probably be planned on Friday



University of Bath
Bath, AVON, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom

Exact location in Bath University will be supplied by email to participents.
If you want to participate, please let Pierre Parquier know. On last resort
ask for Julian Padget when you arrive on Bath University premisses.



  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Roll call of delegates
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Appointment of the drafting committee (producing the Disposition of
     Comments to DIS 13816 vote)
  5. Liaison reports
  6. Review of priorities and target dates
  7. Work item on which no progress is being made -- Status and action to be
  8. Review of Project Editor and liaison assignements
  9. Review of recent JTC1 decisions affecting the group
     Especially: summary of DIS 13816 vote
 10. Preparation of Disposition of Comments to DIS 13816 vote
     The Disposition of Comments shall be prepared in the same way we
     prepared the Disposition of Comments Reports after the CD vote. We'll
     receive the summary of vote on DIS in october.
 11. Items of future work
     Position papers and other contributions would be most welcome in
     advance of this meeting.
 12. Subsequent meeting requirements
 13. Any other business
 14. Approval of resolutions

note: This agenda includes all the items required by the new "ISO/IEC
directives: Procedures for the technical work of ISO/IEC JTC1" (JTC1/N3348),
don't be surprised some will eventually be void.


Practical Information

Information about Bath and its university can be found at, please visit it. Information provided hereunder was
gathered from that site.



Dr Julian A Padget 
host of 15th WG16 mtg
head of UK delegation to WG16
[email protected]
Mathematical Sciences, 1W-2.15
University of Bath
Bath, AVON, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom
tel: +44 1225 826971
fax: +44 1225 826492

Pierre Parquier
SC22/WG16 convener
[email protected]
9 rue de Verdun
BP 85
94253 Gentilly Cedex
tel: +33 1 49 08 35 86
fax: +33 1 49 08 35 10


Getting to Bath University

International Travellers

The information below is an excerpt of which you are welcome to

Some notes for travellers to Bath arriving at London Heathrow, London
Gatwick or Bristol Lulsgate airports. All times given are approximate and
are intended only as a general guide.

Railair Link from London Heathrow to Bath Spa via Reading
     There is a half-hourly or hourly Railair Link bus service between all
     Heathrow terminals and Reading train station for most of the day (6.30
     to 21.00 approx). The journey time is about 50 minutes.

Coach service from London Heathrow to Bath
     A coach service departs London Heathrow (Central bus station) every two
     hours (hourly during the evening). Final departure is at 20.30
     (approx). The journey time to Bath is about two and a half hours.

Rail service from London Paddington, through Reading, to Bath Spa
     There is a regular (half-hourly or hourly) train service from the above
     stations to Bath Spa. Last train departs London Paddington at 23.30
     (approx) or Reading at midnight (approx). The journey time is about one
     and a half hours from London or one hour from Reading.

Rail service from Gatwick to Reading
     There is a frequent train service from Gatwick to Reading from 6.00
     until 21.30 (approx) which links with the Paddington/Bath Spa rail
     service given above.
     Alternatively take the Gatwick Express to London Victoria train
     station. From Victoria take the Distict or Circle underground lines to
     Paddington to connect with the above train.

Coach service from London Victoria to Bath Spa
     A National Express coach service departs Victoria coach station every
     two hours (hourly during the evening). Final departure is at 20.00
     (approx). The journey time is roughly three hours.

Travel between Bristol Lulsgate airport and Bath
     There is an airport bus which makes the journey between Bristol
     Lulsgate and Bristol Temple Meads train station; there is also a taxi
     service. Train services between Bristol Temple Meads and Bath Spa train
     station are frequent.

Travel Details

The information below is an excerpt of which you are welcome to
visit. Also a map of the campus is available at

By car
     The University campus is situated on Claverton Down, to the east of
     Bath. The A4 and A36 roads run through the city; the M4 motorway is
     approximately 10 miles distant.

     If approaching from the M4, leave the motorway at junction 18 and
     follow the A46 8 miles to the junction with the A4. Turn right to Bath
     and after 3/4 mile turn left at the traffic lights (signposted "City
     Centre A36"); after 700 yards turn left at the roundabout towards
     Warminster. In approximately 300 yards turn right into North Road
     (signposted "Claverton Down"). The Quarry Road entrance to the campus
     is on the left towards the top of the hill (approximately 1 mile); the
     Norwood Avenue entrance is half a mile further on in Claverton Down

     If approaching from the city centre, the A4 or the A36 eastbound follow
     signs to "Warminster", "Claverton Down", "American Museum" and "Park &
     Ride (University)". If approaching from the A36 (northbound) follow
     signs to "Claverton Down".

By rail
     Bath Spa mainline station is on the London Paddington to Bristol line.
     Hourly services run to London, a journey of approximately 90 minutes.
     Bristol, with connections to the Midlands, the North and the South West
     is a 15 minute journey.

By coach
     National Express services operate from Bath Coach Station to London
     Victoria and other destinations.

By bus
     The number 18 bus service is operated by Badgerline (01225 464446)
     between the City Centre Bus Station and the University.

     From the station take the road that is straight ahead of you - the bus
     station will be on your left. Go into the road on your left immediately
     past the bus station. The No 18 bus leaves from the first bus stop in
     that road. Buses are about every 6 mins during peak hours in term time
     and about every 15 mins at other times; last journeys are at about
     2330. On Saturdays buses run every 15 minutes between about 0800 and
     2330, and less frequently before and after those times. On Sundays
     buses run every 15 minutes between about 1100 and 2300, and less
     frequently in the morning.

     Streamline (01225 311072) also operate a frequent bus service between
     Bath Railway Station and the University. Streamline Service No 418
     departs from outside the Berni Royal Hotel just opposite the railway
     station in Manvers Street.

     Buses run every 15 mins Monday to Friday from 0725 to 2340, and on
     Saturdays from 0725 to 2340. On Sundays and Bank Holidays buses run
     every 30 mins from 1015 to 2315.

By taxi
     Taxis are usually available from outside the railway station or from
     'Orange Grove', which is next to the Abbey. The fare up to the
     University should be about �4. From the station ask to go via 'Widcombe
     Hill' otherwise you are likely to be taken through town which may be
     more expensive.

Other information
     It is a few minutes to walk from the station to the city centre. The
     campus is about a mile from the city, and most of the way is uphill; so
     only try walking it if you're feeling fit!

     If you go into the city for some sight-seeing, you probably want to get
     the number 18 bus back from 'Orange Grove'.



University of Bath have arrangements with hotels in town, so it may be best,
if you wish it, to ask Julian Padget to book accomodation for your.

Here are two hotels not too far, with price for 2 nights (Nov 7 and 8) with
english breakfast:

 Name                Location       sgl rm  dbl rm   telephone      fax
                                    1 person1 person
 Bath Spa Hotel      Sydney Road    �198    �296     +44 1225 444424444006
 Royal Crescent HotelRoyal Crescent �196    �240     +44 1225 739955339401

You can find a longer list at which you are
welcome to visit.

And the ultimate list is at the Tourist Info at Abbey Chambers, Abbey Church
Yard, Bath, England BA1 1LY, tel (01225) 462831, no e-mail. They will send
you a big catalogue on request.



November is windy and rainy in Bath. Temperature is 40-50 degrees
Fahrenheit. Up to date information can be found at



Lots of information about Bath can be found at URL

______________________end of document N2117