ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N2161

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 16:49:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: "william c. rinehuls" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Document SC22 N2161

Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A. (ANSI)


N 2161

June 1996

TITLE:            Venue Notice and Draft Agenda for SC22/WG15 (POSIX)
                  Meeting on October 28-31, 1996 in Munich, Germany

SOURCE:           Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22

WORK ITEM:        N/A

STATUS:           N/A


DOCUMENT TYPE:    Venue Notice and Agenda

ACTION:           To SC22 Member Bodies for information.

Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153  USA
Tel:  +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax:  +1 (703) 912-2973
email:  [email protected]


 Meeting Notice and Draft Agenda              JTC1/SC22/WG15 N678
 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG15- POSIX                1996 May 23

Plenary and Rapporteur meetings

 Date:          28-31 Oct. 1996
                IBM, Anzinger Strasse 29, Munich 81671, Germany
 Location:      ---Recommended hotel: Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza; Reserve
                via Ron Elliott by June 1, 1996.
 Host Contact:  Ron Elliott, [email protected]
 Chair:         Ron Elliott
 Vice Chair:    Dave Canon        Secretary:                  person
 Convener:      Jim Isaak  USA   +508-486-2255    [email protected]
 WG15           Gloria
 Secretariat:   Maille     USA   +508-486-2157    [email protected]

 Agenda ad hoc         Oct 28    9AM

 WG15 Plenary meeting: Oct 28    Starting at 10:00 AM
                                 Ending by   17:00 PM, Oct 31

 1.       Opening of meeting
 1.1      Welcome from Host

 1.2      Introductions & Roll call of
          Technical Experts

 1.2.1    Verification of HoD-PASC
 1.3      Selection of Drafting Committee
 1.4      Adoption of agenda                  [N678]
 1.5      Approval of minutes                 [N677]
 1.6      Action Items & National Reports
          CA [N], DK[N], FR[N], DE[N], JP[N],NL[N], UK[N], US[N],

 2.       Status, Liaison and Action Item Reports [written please]
 2.1      Issues List                         [SD3]        Vicechair
 2.2      JTC1 actions affecting group                     Convener
 2.3      SC22 action, Convener Report        [N]          Convener

 2.4      Report on IEEE PASC Standards       [SD11]       U.S.

 2.5      Liaison & Working Relationship
 2.5.1    WG9/Ada--- RRG Action/Status        [N]          Ted Baker
 2.5.2    WG11/Cross Language                 [N]          Paul Rabin
 2.5.3    WG20/I18n                           [N]          Keld Simonsen
 2.5.4    WG21/C++                            [N]          Nobuo Saito
 2.5.5    SGFS                                [N]          Willem Wakker
 2.5.6    WG22/PCTE                           [N]          Keld Simonsen
 2.5.7    WG14/C Language                     [N]          Keld Simonsen
 2.5.8    EWOS Liaison                        [N]          Dave Rayner
 2.5.9    CEN TC304                           [N]          Keld Simonsen
 2.5.10   X/Open (Category C)                 [N]          Martin Kirk
 2.6      Editors Reports                     [N]
          Defect Reports/Interpretations &
          Corrigenda                          [N]

3.0 Specific actions for this meeting

3.1 Collection of National Profiles

3.2 Review of PASC Interpretations

3.3 Input from Denmark, Japan, SGFS on national profiles and TR 10000

3.4 Review of POSIX Profiles: 1003.10 and 1003.13 vis a vis TR10000

4.0 Actions Arising from Reports

4.1 Action related to issues

4.2 Responses to JTC1 or SC22 action

4.3 Proposals related to IEEE PASC activities &/or Priorities

4.4 Liaison statements & actions related thereto

4.4.1 WG20 issues:

4.5 Actions related to rapporteur groups

4.5.1: Review of Terms of Reference, Task Assignment & near term objectives

4.6 Defect Reports/Interpretations & Corrigenda

5.0 Project Activities - registration, balloting, content [WG15 SD11, SD 4]

5.01 -- Checkpoint division of work (.1m) (does a draft exist)

 5.1      9945-0 LIS System Interface

      System Interface  {1372}      LIS Progress

status of work, draft,

 5.2       9945-2 Shell & Utilities

 5.2.1      22.41            additional        {2b}          PDAM:

 5.2.2      22.43            Security          {2c/6}        PDAM:
 5.2.3      Batch Services    {2d/15a}      DAM 21 July

 5.3    15068 Administered Systems

 5.3.1 (- Sys Administration    {1387.1/7+}
         )              overview

 5.3.2    Software              {1387.2/7.2}     DIS:
         (-2)           Administration

 5.3.3    User Administration   {1387.3/7.3}     DIS

 5.3.4    Print Administration  {1387.4/7.1}     CD reg:

 5.4     9945-1 C Language Bindings
 5.4.1    22.39             Extensions to base {1a}         PDAM Reg:

 5.4.2    22.21.40          Extensions to real {1d/4b}      PDAM reg:
 5.4.3    22.42             Security Amendment {1e/6}       CD done?

 5.4.4    Transparent File   {1f/8}       PDAM reg:

 5.4.5    Protocol Ind.      {1g/12}      PDAM bal:

 5.4.6    ??                Adv. Real Time     {1j}         Div Work

 5.5        14519 Ada Language Bindings
                    Ada Real Time
                    Extensions           {.5c}       for fasttrack

 5.6      14252 Guide to POSIX OSE

           22.38        TR14252 Guide to    {0}         TR 1996 done
                        POSIX OSE

 5.7       13210, 14515-x Test Methods

 5.7.1      22.37        CD13210 Test       {2003R}       revision

 5.7.2      14515-1      Test Methods for
                         9945-1 - 1990    ...1.01      Test methods for   {2003.1}      Done 96
                         1990 component    ...1.02      Test methods for   {2003.1b}     PDAM Reg:
                         real time Ext.

 5.7.3      14515-2      Test Methods for   {2003.2}      CD bal:

 5.8      Guide for National Profiles & Locales
                         Guide for National
           14766         Profiles & National     [N]

Status of work, draft, IEEE project

6.0 New Business

7.0 Review/approval

 7.1      Resolutions                              Drafting Committee
 7.2      Action Items                             Secretary
 7.3      Issues List                              Vice Chair

8.0 Closing Process

8.1 Future Meeting considerations-- Request for invitations

 May 19-23rd, 1997                  UK - Exeter
 Oct 20-24, 1997                    Cornwall, Onterio Canada -

 Seeking Invitations
 Spring 98                         Target: France
 Sept-Dec 98                       Target: USA
 Spring 99                         Target: Denmark
 Fall 99:                          Target: Japan

8.2 Document Number assignment

8.3 Selection of Vice Chair, Secretary for next meeting

8.4 Agenda for next meeting

8.5 Thanks to host

9. Adjournment