Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 17:00:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: "william c. rinehuls" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: SC22 N2465 - Venue Info and Draft Agenda for WG5 July Meeting
______________________beginning of title page ______________________
Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat: U.S.A. (ANSI)
May 1997
TITLE: Venue Information and Draft Agenda for SC22/WG5
(Fortran) Meeting on July 21-25, 1997 in Vienna,
SOURCE: Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22
ACTION: To SC22 Member Bodies for information.
Address reply to:
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153 USA
Tel: +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax: +1 (703) 912-2973
email: [email protected]
________________ end of title page; beginning of venue information ___
Announcement of meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5
July 21-25, 1997
Technische Universit�t Wien, Prechtl-Saal
Karlplatz 13, Vienna, Austria
The next meeting of WG5 will be held at the Technical University of Vienna
from 21st to 25th July 1997. Details of booking and travel arrangements
appear overleaf.
The major items of business are the completion of the Working Draft of Part
3 of the Fortran Standard, Conditional Compilation, in order that it can be
forwarded to SC22 shortly after the meeting for its first CD ballot, and
the revision of WG5 Strategic Plan for the period covering the development
of the Fortran 2000 Standard.
In view of JTC1's rapidly evolving postion regarding the electronic
distribution of documents, it is also appropriate to thoroughly review
WG5's electronic document procedures, both with regard to format and to
access control.
Heads of delegations are reminded that both the Convenor and the host (via
the local contact, Gerhard Schmitt - see overleaf) should be informed of
the members of their delegations no later than one month before the start
of the meeting.
Further information about the meeting is available via the World Wide Web
at http://edvzbb5.ben-fh.tuwien.ac.at/wg5vienna/meeting.htm, or via WG%'s
own pages (URL: http//:www.etrc.ox.ac.uk/wg5.html), or may be obtained
directly from the Convenor:
Dr Miles Ellis
Educational Technology Resources Centre
University of Oxford
37 Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JF
Email: [email protected]
Meeting of SC22/WG5 in Dresden, July 22-26, 1996
Meeting Location: Prechtl-Saal
Technische Universit�t Dresden
Karlsplatz 13
A-1040 Vienna
Accommodation: Hotel Kaiserhof
Frankenberggasse 10
A-1040 Vienna
Tel: + 43 1 505 1701
Fax: + 43 1 505 887588
A special rate can be obtained by specifying that you are attending the WG5
Fortran conference.
Travel Arrangements:
By air: Many major airlines fly to Vienna (Schwechat).
There are several ways of travelling from Schwechat Airport to the city - a
distance of around 19 km (12 miles).
The most comfortable, and the quickest, is to use the Vienna Airport Lines
express bus to the City Air Terminal. This takes 20 minutes and costs ATS
70 (schillings).
A cheaper way is to use the rapid transit (S-Bahn) system. This costs
ATS 34 (two zones) and takes about 30 minutes; trains run every 30 minutes.
>From the city air terminal a taxi to the Hotel Kaiserhof (or the Technical
University) will cost around 60 ATS. Alternatively you can take the
underground line U4 (direction H�tteldorf) from Landstrasse/Wien Mitte to
Karlsplatz/Oper, which is close to both the hotel and the Technical
University. If you have used the rapid train from the airport the
underground in Vienna is included.
A taxi from the airport to the hotel will cost about ATS 350.
By rail: Vienna has several railway stations.
If you are arriving from western parts of Germany, France, England,
Netherlands, Scandinavia, etc, you will arrive at the Westbahnhof. Some
trains from Hungary also arrive at the Westbahnhof. From the Westbahnhof
take a taxi (about ATS 100) to the Hotel Kaiserhof (or the Technical
University) or underground line U3 and U2 (from Westbahnhof to
If you are arriving from Italy, Hungary, eastern parts of Germany, etc, you
will arrive at the S�dbahnhof (sometimes also called the Ostbahnhof!).
From the S�dbahnhof take a taxi (about ATS 100) to the Hotel Kaiserhof (or
the Technical University) or tram D directly to the Opera. From there you
can easily walk to the Hotel Kaiserhof (or the Technical University).
By car: Vienna is introducing stringent car-parking regulations which are
expected to be in force by the time of the meeting. These will restrict
parking in this area of Vienna to 90 minutes. The local organiser (Gerhard
Schmitt) is attempting to make special arrangements for participants, but
bringing a car to Vienna is NOT recommended. Anyone who expects to have a
car should contact Gerhardt Schmitt as soon as possible.
Local Contact: This WG5 meeting is hosted by the Austrian Standards
Institute, ON, with Gerhard Schmitt as the local organizer. He can be
contacted as follows:
Postal Address: Gerhard J Schmitt
Technical University of Vienna
Computer Centre
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/E0201
A-1040 Wien
Telephone: +43 1 58801 5600
Fax: +43 1 587 4211
Email Addresses: [email protected]
________________ end of venue information; beginning of agenda _________
Preliminary Agenda
Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5
July 21-25, 1997
Technische Universit�t Wien, Prechtl-Saal
Karlplatz 13, Vienna, Austria
Monday, July 21 0900 - 1800
Tuesday, July 22 0900 - 1800
Wednesday, July 23 0900 - 1800
Thursday, July 24 0900 - 1800
Friday, July 25 0900 - 1700
1. Opening of the Meeting: 9:00 am, July 21, 1997
2. Opening business
2.1 Introductory remarks from the Convenor
2.2 Welcome from the Hosts
2.3 Local arrangements
2.4 Appointments for this meeting
2.5 Adoption of the Agenda
2.6 Approval of the Minutes of the Las Vegas Meeting [N1262]
3. Matters arising from the minutes
4. Status of Las Vegas Resolutions [N1261]
5. Reports
5.1 SC22 Matters (Convenor)
5.2 National Activity Reports (Heads of Delegations)
5.3 Report from Primary Development Body (Wagener)
5.4 Reports from other Development Bodies (Editors/Heads)
5.5 Liaison Reports
6. Technical Items
6.1 Completion of WD 1539-3 (Conditional Compilation)
6.2 Fortran 2000
6.3 Revision of IS 1539-2 : 1994 (Varying Length Strings)
6.2 Any other Technical Items
7. Update of WG5 Strategic Plan
8. Electronic Distribution Procedures
8.1 Format of documents
8.2 Copyright and related issues
8.2 File server procedures
8.3 World Wide Web server procedures
9. Closing Business
9.1 Future meetings
9.2 Any other business
10. Adoption of Dresden Resolutions
11. Adjournment: 5 pm, July 25, 1997
1.All three Technical Reports are expected to be in the process of being
ballotted during the meeting. It is not, therefore, appropriate to have
any technical discussion of these.
2.The main item of technical business will be the completion of any
remaining work on the proposed Part 3 of the Fortran Standard (Conditional
Compilation) in order that it can be forwarded to SC22 for its first CD
ballot shortly after the meeting.
3.At the Las Vegas meeting it was agreed that the revision of WG5's
Strategic Plan should be a major item of business at the Vienna meeting.
4.JTC1 is in the process of significant changes in its position regarding
electronic document handling. WG5 needs to review its procedures in this
area and make any necessary changes.
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