Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 17:06:27 -0500 (EST)
From: "william c. rinehuls" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
cc: keld simonsen <[email protected]>
Subject: SC22 N2848 - Minutes of WG5 June 1998 Meeting
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Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat: U.S.A. (ANSI)
Minutes and Resolutions from the SC22/WG5 (Fortran) Meeting on June 8-12,
1998 in TrollhSttan, Sweden
WG Minutes
Address reply to:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat
William C. Rinehuls
8457 Rushing Creek Court
Springfield, VA 22153 USA
Telephone: +1 (703) 912-9680
Fax: +1 (703) 912-2973
email: [email protected]
________________ end of title page; beginning of minutes ______________
Minutes of Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5
June 8-12, 1998
University of Trollh�ttan/Uddevalla
Trollh�ttan, Sweden
1 Opening of the meeting
The meeting was called to order by the Convenor at 9.00 am on June 8th,
2 Opening business
2.1 Introductory Remarks
The Convenor outlined the business of the meeting for the week and
noted that there had not been many papers submitted to WG5.
2.2 Welcome from the Hosts
The president of University of Trollh�ttan/Uddevalla, Olof Blomqvist,
welcomed the WG5 participants and gave an interesting talk about the
University and the city.
2.3 Local Arrangements
Lars Mossberg gave an account of the local arrangements made for the
2.4 Appointments for this meeting
The following appointments were made:
Secretary: Keng Low
Librarian: Kurt Hirchert
Drafting Committee: Kurt Hirchert, Lars Mossberg, David Muxworthy
(Chairman), Wolfgang Walter, Masayuki Takata.
2.5 Adoption of the Agenda
An additional item 8.5.1 on Parallelism in Fortran was added to the
agenda. The revised agenda was adopted unanimously.
2.6 Approval of the Minutes of the Vienna Meeting [N1291]
The minutes of the Vienna meeting, July 21-25, 1997 (N1291) were
unanimously approved, with the addition of a note to the effect that
Sweden had provided a verbal report of its national activity.
3 Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
There were none that were not already on the Agenda.
4 Status of Vienna Resolutions [N1290]
V1 - (Revised Strategic Plan)
The revised plan would be reviewed again at this meeting.
V2 - (WG5 Document Repository and Web Site)
No progress had been made.
V3 - (PDTRs on Floating Point Exception Handling and Enhanced Data Type
The PDTRs had been approved.
V4 - (Interoperability of Fortran and C)
Progress was to be reviewed at this meeting.
V5 - (Project Editor for Fortran 2000 Revision)
SC22 has appointed the project editor, as requested.
V6 - (Part 2 of the Fortran Standard (Varying Length Strings))
The normative part had been revised, subject to review by WG5, but a
revision of the informative part is still required.
V7 - (Part 3 of the Fortran Standard (Conditional Compilation))
This has passed its final CD ballot and has been forwarded for its DIS
V8 - (Interval Arithmetic Requirement)
J3 has found difficulties with the proposed content and requested
further guidance.
5. Reports
5.1 SC22 Matters
There were no significant matters to report from SC22 other than that
the US has decided to continue to provide the Secretariat for SC22.
Current JTC1 reorganisation will have no effect on WG5.
5.2 National Activity Reports
France's national activity report is in document N1312.
Germany's national activity report is in document N1314.
Japan's national activity report is in document N1315.
Sweden reported that due to unforseen circumstances their national
body's meeting, which was to be held a week before the WG5 meeting, was
UK's national activity report is in document N1313.
US national activity report is in document N1311.
5.3 Report from Primary Development Body
The J3 chair reported that there had been a drop in the membership of
J3, but that this had affected only one item of work, R4 (Interval
Arithmetic Enabling Technologies).
The status of Primary Development Body work in progress is in document
5.4 Reports from Other Development Bodies
The heads of the other development bodies all reported that their work
was progressing well.
6 Update of WG5 Strategic Plan
Two subgroups were formed to have a fresh look at the Strategic Plan
and its procedures. Both subgroups required additional time in which to
arrive at recommendations. In the event, insufficient agenda time was
available and no changes were made to the Strategic Plan at this
7 Review of Progress on Fortran 2000
The state of progress of most items is indicated in document N1318.
Subgroups were formed to look at Interoperability with C, Derived type
I/O, Interval Arithmetic and Internationalization.
7.1 Floating Point Exception Handling (as in DTR 15580)
Edits and Integration remain to be done for the integration of the
Floating Point Exception Handling DTR.
7.2 Allocatable Components (as in DTR 15581)
Edits and Integration remain to be done for the integration of the
Allocatable Components DTR.
7.3 Interoperability with C
The Primary Development body, in response to the comments received from
SC22 ballot on PDTR 15815, proposed document N1321 as a way to
implement Interoperability with C. A subgroup formed to study the
document reported that it agreed with the direction taken by the
primary development body in document N1321, and commented that there
was still more work to be done.
7.4 Asynchronous I/O
This was in the final stages, requiring edits/integration.
7.5 Constructors/Destructors
This was in the final stages, requiring edits/integration.
7.6 Derived type I/O
Germany noted that the derived type i/o proposal currently in the draft
of the new standard was too restrictive for their requirements. It was
agreed that derived type i/o should be extended as proposed in document
N1322, and that individual members who wished to suggest particular
models reflecting the agreed requirements should submit their proposals
to the primary development body before August 1998.
7.7 Inheritance
This was in the final stages, requiring edits/integration.
7.8 Internationalization
The primary development body had sought clarification from WG5
regarding requirements for Internationalisation and the status of
technical reports available from WG20. A copy of the Technical Report
prepared by WG20, Framework for Internationalisation (TR 11017), was
given to a member of the primary development body.
A subgroup was formed whose aim was to specify requirements for
Internationalisation in Fortran 2000 after reference to the Framework
for Internationalisation technical report. After further subgroup and
plenary meetings a document, N1320, was produced which specified the
requirements for Internationalization in Fortran 2000.
7.9 Interval Arithmetic
The primary development body believed that Interval Arithmetic was not
ready for standardisation in the F2000 timeframe, due to technical
difficulties in the subject as well as in implementation, and
recommended that "Enabling Technologies", which would allow this and
similar arithmetic packages to be developed as a module, be pursued
instead. A further problem was that the primary development body's
Interval Arithmetic subgroup had more or less ceased to exist, with
some members having left the committee and others having been
reassigned to other tasks (e.g. Interoperability with C).
A subgroup was formed to study the Interval Arithmetic enabling
technologies proposed by the primary development body. The subgroup
recommended that the substituted enabling technologies for Interval
Arithmetic be accepted only if Control of I/O Rounding (R4d) and
Constants for Opaque Types (R4f) were made firm requirements and
Control of Operation Rounding(R4c) and Flexible Optimization Control
(R4a) were pursued as minor technical enhancements (MTEs).
There was some concern that these new requirements could affect the
Fortran 2000 schedule. The question was raised as to whether the
Fortran 2000 schedule should be allowed to slip to include these new
requirements. It was pointed out that WG5 had decided in a previous
meeting that items of work would be dropped if they could not be fitted
within the schedule.
The following straw vote was taken regarding the subgroup's proposals
and their effect on the Fortran 2000 schedule:
* Drop all R4 work items. 3
* Implement subgroup recommended without "slipping" Fortran 2000. 8
* Implement subgroup recommended requirements and let Fortran 2000
schedule slip 0
* Undecided 2
The Working Group therefore agreed that the subgroup's recommendations
be implemented by the primary development body provided that it did not
delay the Fortran 2000 schedule.
7.10 Parameterized derived types
This was in the final stages, requiring edits/integration.
7.11 Polymorphism
This was in the final stages, requiring edits/integration.
7.12 Procedure pointers
This was in the final stages, requiring edits/integration.
7.13 Minor Technical Enhancements
Most MTEs were in the final stages requiring edits/integration, except
the VOLATILE attribute which would be progressed at the next J3
8 Other Technical Issues
8.1 Fortran Part 2 (Varying Length Strings) - IS 1539-2:1994
Steve Morgan presented a document, N1316, describing the current status
of the Varying String Standard carried out by project editor Lawrie
Schonfelder and outlined the issues that needed addressing. One of the
issues addressed was that the project editor did not have the resources
to produce, from its current HTML version, a fully formatted version of
the revised Varying String Standard which follows ISO guide lines. John
Reid volunteered to make this conversion from the HTML format. After
much discussion the committee agreed to create a development body to
carry out the remaining work.
A subgroup was formed to review the revised Varying String Standard
document and the changes proposed by the subgroup are documented in
The Working Group was aware that the sample module for the revised
Varying String Standard, when implemented under the current Fortran 95
standard, would have an unexpected behaviour for intrinsic assignment
of a structure with a component of type VARYING_STRING (intrinsic
assignment when derived assignment is expected and needed). It was
agreed that the sample module should contain a note to indicate this
unexpected behaviour, and that the problem would be resolved when a
corrigendum to Fortran 95 on derived type assignment is published. It
was also agreed that there was no need to rush out a corrigendum
containing just the fix for derived type assignment.
A straw vote was taken regarding the following:
* Have a machine-readable sample module only 7
* Put a sample module in the standard 1
* Undecided 5
After much discussion, the results of straw votes taken regarding
"Inclusion of the text version of the demonstration implementation of
the Varying String module in the standard" were as follows:
* Do not include the text version of the module in the standard 12
* Include text version of the module 0
* Undecided 3
8.2 Fortran Part 3 (Conditional Compilation) - FCD 1539-3
No action was needed on Conditional Compilation at this meeting.
8.3 Technical Report on Floating Point Exception Handling - DTR15580
No action was needed on DTR 15580 at this meeting.
8.4 Technical Report on Allocatable Components - DTR 15581
No action was needed on DTR 15581 at this meeting.
8.5 Other Technical Items
8.5.1 John Reid gave a tutorial on Co-array Fortran for parallel
programming (document N1317).
8.5.2 Malcolm Cohen gave a tutorial on the Object-oriented Features in
Fortran 2000.
9 Closing Business
9.1 Future Meetings
It was suggested that in February or March 2001, a joint WG5/J3
meeting, or WG5 and J3 meetings held back to back, should take place in
either Canada or USA, so as to ensure a big turnout and to have the
technical expertise of the primary development body members to hand.
The Convenor urged Heads of Delegations to encourage WG5 delegates to
attend this meeting,whose purpose would be to discuss the comments
received from the first CD ballot.
A further WG5 meeting around July 2001 will be required to approve J3
changes resulting from the ballot comments before submission of the
final CD for approval in August 2001.
On the assumption that the final CD ballot comments would be available
in February 2002 it was agreed that WG5 would probably conduct an
electronic ballot to approve the draft DIS in March 2002.
The next meeting will be held in France, 21-25 June 1999 and the
following meeting in Finland in the year 2000. [Note: subsequent to
the meeting the dates for the 1999 meeting were altered to 14-18
9.2 Any other business
There was none.
10 Resolutions
The resolutions and the voting on them are recorded in N1323.
11 Adjournment
The meeting closed at 2pm on Friday, June 12, 1998.
_________________ end of minutes; beginning of resolutions ________
The meeting was attended by the convenor and 13 members, representing 5
member bodies. Resolutions T1, T2, T6, T8 and T10 were approved by
unanimous consent, T11 to T13 by unanimous acclaim; votes on the other
resolutions are shown following each resolution.
T1 WG5 Document Repository and Web Site
That WG5 confirms its intent to reorganize its electronic document
repository, along the lines described in WG5-N1302, and to provide web
access to these documents and other relevant sites. A committee
comprising Malcolm Cohen, Miles Ellis, Kurt Hirchert and Jerry Wagener
is commissioned to develop the new repository and web site and to make
a beta version available to the WG5 membership by the end of 1998.
T2 Maintenance Procedures for Fortran 95
That WG5 notes that the Fortran 95 Standard has been published since
its previous meeting and reaffirms Dresden resolution D4 which thanks
J3 for agreeing to act as maintenance body for Fortran 95 and instructs
its maintenance body to accept Fortran 95 defect items directly from
any WG5 member body or from the WG5 convenor.
T3 Schedule for Fortran 2000
That WG5 confirms the target schedule for the revision of Fortran
contained in Las Vegas resolution LV6 and adds two meeting dates as
Stage Process Fortran 2000
1 Initial requirements prepared 1995-11
Review of requirements completed 1997-02
Final definition of requirements 1997-02
2 Completion of separate edits 1998-11
First working draft available 2000-01
WG5 approval of draft CD 2000-07
3 First CD submitted for registration and approval 2000-08
First CD ballot initiated 2000-09
First CD ballot comments available 2001-01
WG5 ballot resolution meeting 2001-02/03
WG5 review meeting 2001-07
Final CD submitted for approval 2001-08
Final CD ballot initiated 2001-09
Final CD ballot comments available 2002-02
WG5 approval of draft DIS 2002-03
4 DIS registered 2002-05
DIS ballot initiated 2002-06
DIS ballot results available 2002-09
5 Standard published 2002-11
T3 was approved with one country abstention (Germany).
T4 Part 2 of the Fortran Standard (Varying Length Strings) -
Development Body
That WG5 instructs its convenor to request SC22 approval to change the
schedule for the revision of Part 2 of the Fortran Standard in order to
allow for additional development and to request SC22 to appoint John
Reid as Project Editor. Further, WG5 thanks Lawrie Schonfelder for his
work over many years as Project Editor and appoints him Consultant to
the Project Editor. WG5 establishes a development body for this
project and appoints the following members in addition to the Editor
and Consultant: Kurt Hirchert, Steve Morgan, Lars Mossberg and a
participant to be nominated by the German member body.
T4 was approved with one country abstention (US).
T5 Part 2 of the Fortran Standard (Varying Length Strings) - Content
That WG5 endorses the changes to the definition of the varying string
module recommended in WG5-N1319. In addition, WG5 recommends that the
text of the demonstration implementation of the varying string module
be removed from the Standard.
T5 was approved with one individual abstention and country abstention
T6 Internationalization
That WG5 advises its primary development body to develop the proposals
in WG5-N1320 in order to fulfil the requirements for
T7 Interoperability of Fortran and C
That WG5 supports the approach to interoperability with C outlined in
document WG5-N1321 (J3/98-165r1) and encourages the primary development
body to complete the work as a high priority item. Further, WG5
encourages its members to participate in the development of this
T7 was approved with one country abstention (Germany).
T8 Derived Type Input/Output
That WG5 notes that concern has been expressed that the current
proposal for derived type input/output is both inadequate and not
amenable to extension and urges the primary development body to
consider the changes proposed in WG5-N1322. Further, WG5 encourages
members wishing to submit proposals in this area to do so in time for
the August 1998 meeting of the primary development body.
T9 Interval Arithmetic
That WG5 acknowledges that the original requirements for interval
arithmetic cannot be completed within the current schedule and accepts
the recommendation of the primary development body to substitute
enabling technology. Specifically, control of I/O rounding (J3
requirement code R4d) and constants for opaque types (R4f) should be
retained as requirements, and control of operation rounding (R4c) and
flexible optimization control (R4a) should be pursued as minor
technical enhancements, all subject to the constraint of the current
T9 was approved with one individual negative vote.
T10 Future Meetings
That WG5 thanks the French member body for offering to host the next
WG5 meeting on June 21-25, 1999 and records its intent to add a joint
meeting with J3 in February or March 2001 to its current schedule of
T11 Appreciation of Jerry Wagener
That WG5 records its appreciation of the many contributions to Fortran
standardization made by Jerry Wagener during the more than twenty years
preceding his recent retirement from the chair and membership of J3 and
from the US delegation to WG5.
T12 Vote of Thanks for Support for Meeting
That WG5 thanks H�gskolan i Trollh�ttan/Uddevalla, Saab Automobile,
Volvo Aero Corporation and Volvo Information Technology Corporation for
generously supporting the meeting.
T13 Vote of Thanks
That WG5 wishes to express its appreciation to the convenor (Miles
Ellis), the secretary (Keng Low), the librarian (Kurt Hirchert), the
drafting committee, the presenters of tutorials (Malcolm Cohen and John
Reid), the hosts (ITS Fortran Committee) and particularly the local
host Lars Mossberg, his wife Vivi-Anne and his colleagues Britt-Marie
Carew, Fredrik Jirholm, Eva Klevedal, Mats Lejon and Maud �sterman for
their contribution to the success of the meeting.
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