ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22 N3092

Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces
Secretariat:  U.S.A.  (ANSI)


Meeting Notice and Draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 5 Meeting,
14-18 August 2000, Oulu, Finland


J. Reid, Convener, SC 22/WG 5


Meeting Agenda


For information.

FYI to SC22 Member Bodies





 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1381

_______ end of title page; beginning of document ______________


                   Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5

                          August 14-18, 2000

                 Technical Research Center of Finland
                      University of Oulu, Finland

The next meeting of WG5 will be held at the Technical Research Center
of Finland, University of Oulu from 14th to 18th August 14-18, 2000.
The local organizer is Petri Mahonen ([email protected])
<mailto:[email protected])> . Details of
the objectives of the meeting, together with accommodation and travel
arrangements, appear below.


There are three major items of business for this meeting:

A. Processing of interpretations of the Fortran 95 standard.

There are about 85 outstanding requests for interpretations in the J3
standing document 006 (alias N1383). Each needs to pass these stages:
  1. J3 meeting vote.
  2. J3 letter ballot.
  3. WG vote.
  4. If edits are involved, incorporation in a corrigendum.
At the moment, 13 have passed stage 1 but none are further on. 
WG5 will construct a draft corrigendum based on all items with 
edits that have passed stage 3. It will also provide assistance to
J3 in processing the other items by constructing draft responses for  
consideration at the next J3 meeting. 

B. Review of the content of Fortran 2000

WG5 will review its plans for the content of Fortran 2000 (N1382) and
prepare a summary of the changes from Fortran 95. The list of possible
minor technical enhancements will be divided into three lists:
  1. Items to be included
  2. Items to be excluded
  3. Items at the discretion of J3
If any item in the list of required contents still needs technical
work, WG5 will provide assistance to J3 in this task. 

C. Review of the Fortran 2000 working draft 

WG5 will review the current Fortran 2000 working draft and provide
suggestions for changes for consideration at the next J3 meeting.


The meeting will be hosted by VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland),
located on the campus area of the University of Oulu.  The address
of the institute is Kaitovayla 1. There are buses operating between the
town center and Linnanmaa. There is VTT specific information about
travel on the web-page
The city of Oulu has web-pages on <> 


A block reservation of rooms has been made in SAS Radisson Hotel. The
price range is as follows:

         1 room/night            460 FIM/night   (about 80 USD)
         double room/night       760 FIM/night   (~ 130 USD)

The meeting itself will be held in a lecture room at VTT, which is
about 5 km from the city center. The plan is to have meetings between
9.00 a.m. -- 17.45 p.m. We have one main lecture room and two smaller
meeting rooms for possible ad hoc meetings.

The research institute is sponsoring coffee breaks for us during the
WG5 meeting. The Finns are rather early lunch eaters. There is a
cafeteria operating in the institute's premises (open for lunch between
11-13), and there are more possibilities in the city center. I suggest
that we aim at to have lunch break around 12 o'clock. VTT will also
sponsor one complementary lunch for us during the meeting. Finally, we
plan to have a traditional get-together dinner on Wednesday in the city
center. The particulars of this will be provided during the meeting.
Photocopying and basic secretarial services will be available during
the meeting by courtesy of the research institute. We will also arrange
a public terminal that will be available for e-mailing.

To ensure that you are getting discounted hotel prices and to get the
final list of participants for the local organizers, we have
appointed a local organizing secretary from VTT to handle
practicalities. So if you want to reserve your room, require any
additional information etc., you should contact as soon as possible:

         Ms. Katja Salmela
         VTT, Networking Technologies

         Fax: +358 8 551 2320
         Email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> 
         Tel.: +358 8 551 2402


The city of Oulu web-page includes information on travel, the city and
the location itself. However, most delegates should plan to flight to
Helsinki and catch a flight to Oulu (there are about 9-12 flights per
day to Oulu). Another possibility is to fly to Stockholm and fly by SAS
from Stockholm to Oulu.  At least for people arriving from UK and USA
the route through Stockholm is probably cheapest.


If anyone wants to come a few days earlier or stay in Northern Finland
for extra days after the meeting, you can ask help and/or suggestions
on sightseeing possibilities, etc. Katja will help as much as possible.
If we know beforehand what you need, we can probably arrange for
relevant brochures etc. to be ready during the WG5 meeting.

The weather during early August should be rather warm (around +20 C),
but there is a possibility for colder nights and rain. Oulu is a rather
small town (around 110,000 inhabitants), but most services that you
might expect are available. It is also well to remember that Finland is
a rather expensive country. Most shops are open between 9-17 during the
summer time.


Heads of delegations are reminded that the names of those who will be
in their delegations should be communicated to both the Convenor and
the host (via the local contact, Patrice Lignalet  see above) no later
than one month before the start of the meeting.


If you have any questions, or need any kind of help in practical
arrangements do not hesitate to email the local organizer Petri Mahonen
([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> ) or Ms.  Salmonella
([email protected]) <mailto:[email protected])> .

Technical information is available via WG5's own web pages
( <> , or may be
obtained directly from the

      John Reid,
      Atlas Centre,
      Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
      Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
      Tel: 01235 44 6493
      Fax: 01235 44 6626
      email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> 

                  Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5

                          August 14-18, 2000

                 Technical Research Center of Finland
                      University of Oulu, Finland

                   Monday, August 14   0900 - 1745
                  Tuesday, August 15   0900 - 1745
                Wednesday, August 16   0900 - 1745
                 Thursday, August 17   0900 - 1745
                   Friday, August 18   0900 - 1300

1.  Opening of the Meeting:  9:00 am, August 14, 2000

2.  Opening business
    2.1   Introductory remarks from the Convenor
    2.2   Welcome from the Host
    2.3   Local arrangements
    2.4   Appointments for this meeting
    2.5   Adoption of the Agenda 
    2.6   Approval of the Minutes of the Cadarache Meeting [N1344a]

3.  Matters arising from the minutes

4.  Status of Cadarache Resolutions [N1343]

5.  Reports
    5.1   SC22 Matters (Convenor)
    5.2   National Activity Reports (Heads of Delegations)
    5.3   Report from Primary Development Body (NCITS/J3 Chair)
    5.4   Reports from other Development Bodies (Editors/Heads)
    5.5   Liaison Reports

6.  Processing of interpretations
    6.1   Construction of draft Corrigendum 1 to Fortran 95
    6.2   Review of 'passed by J3 letter ballot' items 
    6.3   Provide assistance to J3 processing of other items 

7.  Review of Progress on Fortran 2000 (see N1382)
    7.1   Primary Development Body Scheduling/Content Recommendations
    7.2   Detailed Progress on Individual Requirements
          7.2.1   Floating Point Exception Handling (as in TR 15580)
          7.2.2   Allocatable Components (as in TR 15581)
          7.2.3   Derived type I/O (R1)
          7.2.4   Asynchronous I/O (R2)
          7.2.5   Procedure pointers (R3)
          7.2.6   Interval arithmetic enabling technologies (R4)
          7.2.7   Parameterized derived types (R5)
          7.2.8   Object Oriented technologies (R6)
          7.2.9   Constructors/Destructors (R7)
          7.2.10  Internationalization (R8)
          7.2.11  Interoperability with C (R9)
          7.2.12  Minor Technical Enhancements
    7.3   Decide on Minor Technical Enhancements to be included
          or excluded
    7.4   Prepare a summary of the changes from Fortran 95
    7.5   Provide assistance to J3 re any item in the list of required 
          contents that still needs technical work

8.  Review of Fortran 2000 working draft

9.  WG5 Business and Strategic Plans
    9.1   Goals for 2000-2003
    9.2   Business Plan for 2000 SC22 Plenary
10. Closing Business
    10.1  Future meetings
    10.2  Any other business

11. Adoption of Resolutions

12. Adjournment:  1 pm, August 18, 2000